Common NuVoc links: Paste Table
From NUBROW scripts (25 Feb 2014)
Note that NUBROW can generate good links from selected primitive name
NOTE: use these forms for code-"grave" and "graveco": ({{{`>>>) ; ({{{`:>>>)
IMPORTANT: } has been replaced by > in the above line, in order to appear docilely in MoinMoin
PRIMITIVES -- deblanked version
[[Vocabulary/eq |Self Classify * Equal]] (`=`) [[Vocabulary/eqdot |Is (Local)]] (`=.`) [[Vocabulary/eqco |Is (Global)]] (`=:`) [[Vocabulary/lt |Box * Less Than]] (`<`) [[Vocabulary/ltdot |Floor * Lesser Of (Min)]] (`<.`) [[Vocabulary/ltco |Decrement * Less Or Equal]] (`<:`) [[Vocabulary/gt |Open * Larger Than]] (`>`) [[Vocabulary/gtdot |Ceiling * Larger of (Max)]] (`>.`) [[Vocabulary/gtco |Increment * Larger Or Equal]] (`>:`) [[Vocabulary/under |Negative Sign / Infinity]] (`_`) [[Vocabulary/underdot |Indeterminate]] (`_.`) [[Vocabulary/underco |Infinity]] (`_:`) [[Vocabulary/plus |Conjugate * Plus]] (`+`) [[Vocabulary/plusdot |Real / Imaginary * GCD (Or)]] (`+.`) [[Vocabulary/plusco |Double * Not-Or]] (`+:`) [[Vocabulary/star |Signum * Times]] (`*`) [[Vocabulary/stardot |Length/Angle * LCM (And)]] (`*.`) [[Vocabulary/starco |Square * Not-And]] (`*:`) [[Vocabulary/minus |Negate * Minus]] (`-`) [[Vocabulary/minusdot |Not * Less]] (`-.`) [[Vocabulary/minusco |Halve * Match]] (`-:`) [[Vocabulary/percent |Reciprocal * Divide]] (`%`) [[Vocabulary/percentdot |Matrix Inverse * Matrix Divide]] (`%.`) [[Vocabulary/percentco |Square Root * Root]] (`%:`) [[Vocabulary/hat |Exponential * Power]] (`^`) [[Vocabulary/hatdot |Natural Log * Logarithm]] (`^.`) [[Vocabulary/hatco |Power `(u^:n u^:v)`]] (`^:`) [[Vocabulary/dollar |Shape Of * Shape]] (`$`) [[Vocabulary/dollardot |Sparse]] (`$.`) [[Vocabulary/dollarco |Self-Reference]] (`$:`) [[Vocabulary/tilde |Reflex * Passive / Evoke]] (`~`) [[Vocabulary/tildedot |Nub *]] (`~.`) [[Vocabulary/tildeco |Nub Sieve * Not-Equal]] (`~:`) [[Vocabulary/bar |Magnitude * Residue]] (`|`) [[Vocabulary/bardot |Reverse * Rotate (Shift)]] (`|.`) [[Vocabulary/barco |Transpose]] (`|:`) [[Vocabulary/dot |Determinant * Dot Product]] (`.`) [[Vocabulary/dotdot |Even *]] (`..`) [[Vocabulary/dotco |Odd *]] (`.:`) [[Vocabulary/co |Explicit / Monad-Dyad]] (`:`) [[Vocabulary/codot |Obverse]] (`:.`) [[Vocabulary/coco |Adverse]] (`::`) [[Vocabulary/comma |Ravel * Append]] (`,`) [[Vocabulary/commadot |Ravel Items * Stitch]] (`,.`) [[Vocabulary/commaco |Itemize * Laminate]] (`,:`) [[Vocabulary/semi |Raze * Link]] (`;`) [[Vocabulary/semidot |Cut]] (`;.`) [[Vocabulary/semico |Words * Sequential Machine]] (`;:`) [[Vocabulary/number |Tally * Copy]] (`#`) [[Vocabulary/numberdot |Base 2 * Base]] (`#.`) [[Vocabulary/numberco |Antibase 2 * Antibase]] (`#:`) [[Vocabulary/bang |Factorial * Out Of]] (`!`) [[Vocabulary/bangdot |Fit (Customize)]] (`!.`) [[Vocabulary/bangco |Foreign]] (`!:`) [[Vocabulary/slash |Insert * Table]] (`/`) [[Vocabulary/slashdot |Oblique * Key]] (`/.`) [[Vocabulary/slashco |Grade Up * Sort]] (`/:`) [[Vocabulary/bslash |Prefix * Infix]] (`\`) [[Vocabulary/bslashdot |Suffix * Outfix]] (`\.`) [[Vocabulary/bslashco |Grade Down * Sort]] (`\:`) [[Vocabulary/squarelf |Same * Left]] (`[`) [[Vocabulary/squarelfco |Cap]] (`[:`) [[Vocabulary/squarert |Same * Right]] (`]`) [[Vocabulary/curlylf |Catalogue * From]] (`{`) [[Vocabulary/curlylfdot |Head * Take]] (`{.`) [[Vocabulary/curlylfco |Tail *]] (`{:`) [[Vocabulary/curlylfcoco |Map * Fetch]] (`{::`) [[Vocabulary/curlyrt |Item Amend * Amend]] (`}`) [[Vocabulary/curlyrtdot |Behead * Drop]] (`}.`) [[Vocabulary/curlyrtco |Curtail *]] (`}:`) [[Vocabulary/quote |Rank]] (`"`) [[Vocabulary/quotedot |Do * Numbers]] (`".`) [[Vocabulary/quoteco |Default Format * Format]] (`":`) [[Vocabulary/grave |Tie (Gerund)]] ( {{{`:>>>) [[Vocabulary/graveco |Evoke Gerund]] ( {{{`:>>>) [[Vocabulary/at |Atop]] (`@`) [[Vocabulary/atdot |Agenda]] (`@.`) [[Vocabulary/atco |At]] (`@:`) [[Vocabulary/amp |Bond / Compose]] (`&`) [[Vocabulary/ampdot |Under (Dual)]] (`&.`) [[Vocabulary/ampco |Appose]] (`&:`) [[Vocabulary/ampdotco |Under]] (`&.:`) [[Vocabulary/query |Roll * Deal]] (`?`) [[Vocabulary/querydot |Roll * Deal (fixed seed)]] (`?.`) [[Vocabulary/adot |Alphabet]] (`a.`) [[Vocabulary/aco |Ace (Boxed Empty)]] (`a:`) [[Vocabulary/acapdot |Anagram Index * Anagram]] (`A.`) [[Vocabulary/bdot |Boolean / Basic]] (`b.`) [[Vocabulary/ccapdot |Cycle-Direct * Permute]] (`C.`) [[Vocabulary/ddot |Derivative *]] (`d.`) [[Vocabulary/dcapdot |Derivative *]] (`D.`) [[Vocabulary/dcapco |Secant Slope]] (`D:`) [[Vocabulary/edot |Raze In * Member (In)]] (`e.`) [[Vocabulary/ecapdot |* Member of Interval]] (`E.`) [[Vocabulary/fdot |Fix]] (`f.`) [[Vocabulary/hcapdot |Hypergeometric]] (`H.`) [[Vocabulary/idot |Integers * Index Of]] (`i.`) [[Vocabulary/ico |Steps * Index Of Last]] (`i:`) [[Vocabulary/icapdot |Indices * Interval Index]] (`I.`) [[Vocabulary/jdot |Imaginary * Complex]] (`j.`) [[Vocabulary/lcapdot |Level Of *]] (`L.`) [[Vocabulary/lcapco |Level At]] (`L:`) [[Vocabulary/mcapdot |Memo]] (`M.`) [[Vocabulary/ncapbcapdot |Comment]] (`NB.`) [[Vocabulary/odot |Pi Times * Circle Function]] (`o.`) [[Vocabulary/pdot |Roots * Polynomial]] (`p.`) [[Vocabulary/pdotdot |Poly. Deriv. * Poly. Integral]] (`p..`) [[Vocabulary/pco |Primes]] (`p:`) [[Vocabulary/qco |Prime Factors * Prime Exponents]] (`q:`) [[Vocabulary/rdot |Angle * Polar]] (`r.`) [[Vocabulary/sco |Symbol]] (`s:`) [[Vocabulary/scapco |Spread]] (`S:`) [[Vocabulary/tdot |Taylor Coefficient]] (`t.`) [[Vocabulary/tco |Weighted Taylor]] (`t:`) [[Vocabulary/tcapdot |Taylor Approximation]] (`T.`) [[Vocabulary/uco |Unicode]] (`u:`) [[Vocabulary/xco |Extended Precision]] (`x:`) [[Vocabulary/zeroco |Constant Function]] (`0:`)
TEST -- of pasteable table
(replacing > with } in grave and graveco) Self Classify * Equal (=) Is (Local) (=.) Is (Global) (=:) Box * Less Than (<) Floor * Lesser Of (Min) (<.) Decrement * Less Or Equal (<:) Open * Larger Than (>) Ceiling * Larger of (Max) (>.) Increment * Larger Or Equal (>:) Negative Sign / Infinity (_) Indeterminate (_.) Infinity (_:) Conjugate * Plus (+) Real / Imaginary * GCD (Or) (+.) Double * Not-Or (+:) Signum * Times (*) Length/Angle * LCM (And) (*.) Square * Not-And (*:) Negate * Minus (-) Not * Less (-.) Halve * Match (-:) Reciprocal * Divide (%) Matrix Inverse * Matrix Divide (%.) Square Root * Root (%:) Exponential * Power (^) Natural Log * Logarithm (^.) Power (u^:n u^:v) (^:) Shape Of * Shape ($) Sparse ($.) Self-Reference ($:) Reflex * Passive / Evoke (~) Nub * (~.) Nub Sieve * Not-Equal (~:) Magnitude * Residue (|) Reverse * Rotate (Shift) (|.) Transpose (|:) Determinant * Dot Product (.) Even * (..) Odd * (.:) Explicit / Monad-Dyad (:) Obverse (:.) Adverse (::) Ravel * Append (,) Ravel Items * Stitch (,.) Itemize * Laminate (,:) Raze * Link (;) Cut (;.) Words * Sequential Machine (;:) Tally * Copy (#) Base 2 * Base (#.) Antibase 2 * Antibase (#:) Factorial * Out Of (!) Fit (Customize) (!.) Foreign (!:) Insert * Table (/) Oblique * Key (/.) Grade Up * Sort (/:) Prefix * Infix (\) Suffix * Outfix (\.) Grade Down * Sort (\:) Same * Left ([) Cap ([:) Same * Right (]) Catalogue * From ({) Head * Take ({.) Tail * ({:) Map * Fetch ({::) Item Amend * Amend (}) Behead * Drop (}.) Curtail * (}:) Rank (") Do * Numbers (".) Default Format * Format (":) Tie (Gerund) (`:) Evoke Gerund (`:) Atop (@) Agenda (@.) At (@:) Bond / Compose (&) Under (Dual) (&.) Appose (&:) Under (&.:) Roll * Deal (?) Roll * Deal (fixed seed) (?.) Alphabet (a.) Ace (Boxed Empty) (a:) Anagram Index * Anagram (A.) Boolean / Basic (b.) Cycle-Direct * Permute (C.) Derivative * (d.) Derivative * (D.) Secant Slope (D:) Raze In * Member (In) (e.) * Member of Interval (E.) Fix (f.) Hypergeometric (H.) Integers * Index Of (i.) Steps * Index Of Last (i:) Indices * Interval Index (I.) Imaginary * Complex (j.) Level Of * (L.) Level At (L:) Memo (M.) Comment (NB.) Pi Times * Circle Function (o.) Roots * Polynomial (p.) Poly. Deriv. * Poly. Integral (p..) Primes (p:) Prime Factors * Prime Exponents (q:) Angle * Polar (r.) Symbol (s:) Spread (S:) Taylor Coefficient (t.) Weighted Taylor (t:) Taylor Approximation (T.) Unicode (u:) Extended Precision (x:) Constant Function (0:)
PRIMITIVES -- tabulated version
[[Vocabulary/eq |Self Classify * Equal ]] (`= `) [[Vocabulary/eqdot |Is (Local) ]] (`=. `) [[Vocabulary/eqco |Is (Global) ]] (`=: `) [[Vocabulary/lt |Box * Less Than ]] (`< `) [[Vocabulary/ltdot |Floor * Lesser Of (Min) ]] (`<. `) [[Vocabulary/ltco |Decrement * Less Or Equal ]] (`<: `) [[Vocabulary/gt |Open * Larger Than ]] (`> `) [[Vocabulary/gtdot |Ceiling * Larger of (Max) ]] (`>. `) [[Vocabulary/gtco |Increment * Larger Or Equal ]] (`>: `) [[Vocabulary/under |Negative Sign / Infinity ]] (`_ `) [[Vocabulary/underdot |Indeterminate ]] (`_. `) [[Vocabulary/underco |Infinity ]] (`_: `) [[Vocabulary/plus |Conjugate * Plus ]] (`+ `) [[Vocabulary/plusdot |Real / Imaginary * GCD (Or) ]] (`+. `) [[Vocabulary/plusco |Double * Not-Or ]] (`+: `) [[Vocabulary/star |Signum * Times ]] (`* `) [[Vocabulary/stardot |Length/Angle * LCM (And) ]] (`*. `) [[Vocabulary/starco |Square * Not-And ]] (`*: `) [[Vocabulary/minus |Negate * Minus ]] (`- `) [[Vocabulary/minusdot |Not * Less ]] (`-. `) [[Vocabulary/minusco |Halve * Match ]] (`-: `) [[Vocabulary/percent |Reciprocal * Divide ]] (`% `) [[Vocabulary/percentdot |Matrix Inverse * Matrix Divide ]] (`%. `) [[Vocabulary/percentco |Square Root * Root ]] (`%: `) [[Vocabulary/hat |Exponential * Power ]] (`^ `) [[Vocabulary/hatdot |Natural Log * Logarithm ]] (`^. `) [[Vocabulary/hatco |Power `(u^:n u^:v)` ]] (`^: `) [[Vocabulary/dollar |Shape Of * Shape ]] (`$ `) [[Vocabulary/dollardot |Sparse ]] (`$. `) [[Vocabulary/dollarco |Self-Reference ]] (`$: `) [[Vocabulary/tilde |Reflex * Passive / Evoke ]] (`~ `) [[Vocabulary/tildedot |Nub * ]] (`~. `) [[Vocabulary/tildeco |Nub Sieve * Not-Equal ]] (`~: `) [[Vocabulary/bar |Magnitude * Residue ]] (`| `) [[Vocabulary/bardot |Reverse * Rotate (Shift) ]] (`|. `) [[Vocabulary/barco |Transpose ]] (`|: `) [[Vocabulary/dot |Determinant * Dot Product ]] (`. `) [[Vocabulary/dotdot |Even * ]] (`.. `) [[Vocabulary/dotco |Odd * ]] (`.: `) [[Vocabulary/co |Explicit / Monad-Dyad ]] (`: `) [[Vocabulary/codot |Obverse ]] (`:. `) [[Vocabulary/coco |Adverse ]] (`:: `) [[Vocabulary/comma |Ravel * Append ]] (`, `) [[Vocabulary/commadot |Ravel Items * Stitch ]] (`,. `) [[Vocabulary/commaco |Itemize * Laminate ]] (`,: `) [[Vocabulary/semi |Raze * Link ]] (`; `) [[Vocabulary/semidot |Cut ]] (`;. `) [[Vocabulary/semico |Words * Sequential Machine ]] (`;: `) [[Vocabulary/number |Tally * Copy ]] (`# `) [[Vocabulary/numberdot |Base 2 * Base ]] (`#. `) [[Vocabulary/numberco |Antibase 2 * Antibase ]] (`#: `) [[Vocabulary/bang |Factorial * Out Of ]] (`! `) [[Vocabulary/bangdot |Fit (Customize) ]] (`!. `) [[Vocabulary/bangco |Foreign ]] (`!: `) [[Vocabulary/slash |Insert * Table ]] (`/ `) [[Vocabulary/slashdot |Oblique * Key ]] (`/. `) [[Vocabulary/slashco |Grade Up * Sort ]] (`/: `) [[Vocabulary/bslash |Prefix * Infix ]] (`\ `) [[Vocabulary/bslashdot |Suffix * Outfix ]] (`\. `) [[Vocabulary/bslashco |Grade Down * Sort ]] (`\: `) [[Vocabulary/squarelf |Same * Left ]] (`[ `) [[Vocabulary/squarelfco |Cap ]] (`[: `) [[Vocabulary/squarert |Same * Right ]] (`] `) [[Vocabulary/curlylf |Catalogue * From ]] (`{ `) [[Vocabulary/curlylfdot |Head * Take ]] (`{. `) [[Vocabulary/curlylfco |Tail * ]] (`{: `) [[Vocabulary/curlylfcoco |Map * Fetch ]] (`{::`) [[Vocabulary/curlyrt |Item Amend * Amend ]] (`} `) [[Vocabulary/curlyrtdot |Behead * Drop ]] (`}. `) [[Vocabulary/curlyrtco |Curtail * ]] (`}: `) [[Vocabulary/quote |Rank ]] (`" `) [[Vocabulary/quotedot |Do * Numbers ]] (`". `) [[Vocabulary/quoteco |Default Format * Format ]] (`": `) [[Vocabulary/grave |Tie (Gerund) ]] ( {{{`>>>) [[Vocabulary/graveco |Evoke Gerund ]] ( {{{`:>>>) [[Vocabulary/at |Atop ]] (`@ `) [[Vocabulary/atdot |Agenda ]] (`@. `) [[Vocabulary/atco |At ]] (`@: `) [[Vocabulary/amp |Bond / Compose ]] (`& `) [[Vocabulary/ampdot |Under (Dual) ]] (`&. `) [[Vocabulary/ampco |Appose ]] (`&: `) [[Vocabulary/ampdotco |Under ]] (`&.:`) [[Vocabulary/query |Roll * Deal ]] (`? `) [[Vocabulary/querydot |Roll * Deal (fixed seed) ]] (`?. `) [[Vocabulary/adot |Alphabet ]] (`a. `) [[Vocabulary/aco |Ace (Boxed Empty) ]] (`a: `) [[Vocabulary/acapdot |Anagram Index * Anagram ]] (`A. `) [[Vocabulary/bdot |Boolean / Basic ]] (`b. `) [[Vocabulary/ccapdot |Cycle-Direct * Permute ]] (`C. `) [[Vocabulary/ddot |Derivative * ]] (`d. `) [[Vocabulary/dcapdot |Derivative * ]] (`D. `) [[Vocabulary/dcapco |Secant Slope ]] (`D: `) [[Vocabulary/edot |Raze In * Member (In) ]] (`e. `) [[Vocabulary/ecapdot |* Member of Interval ]] (`E. `) [[Vocabulary/fdot |Fix ]] (`f. `) [[Vocabulary/hcapdot |Hypergeometric ]] (`H. `) [[Vocabulary/idot |Integers * Index Of ]] (`i. `) [[Vocabulary/ico |Steps * Index Of Last ]] (`i: `) [[Vocabulary/icapdot |Indices * Interval Index ]] (`I. `) [[Vocabulary/jdot |Imaginary * Complex ]] (`j. `) [[Vocabulary/lcapdot |Level Of * ]] (`L. `) [[Vocabulary/lcapco |Level At ]] (`L: `) [[Vocabulary/mcapdot |Memo ]] (`M. `) [[Vocabulary/ncapbcapdot |Comment ]] (`NB.`) [[Vocabulary/odot |Pi Times * Circle Function ]] (`o. `) [[Vocabulary/pdot |Roots * Polynomial ]] (`p. `) [[Vocabulary/pdotdot |Poly. Deriv. * Poly. Integral ]] (`p..`) [[Vocabulary/pco |Primes ]] (`p: `) [[Vocabulary/qco |Prime Factors * Prime Exponents ]] (`q: `) [[Vocabulary/rdot |Angle * Polar ]] (`r. `) [[Vocabulary/sco |Symbol ]] (`s: `) [[Vocabulary/scapco |Spread ]] (`S: `) [[Vocabulary/tdot |Taylor Coefficient ]] (`t. `) [[Vocabulary/tco |Weighted Taylor ]] (`t: `) [[Vocabulary/tcapdot |Taylor Approximation ]] (`T. `) [[Vocabulary/uco |Unicode ]] (`u: `) [[Vocabulary/xco |Extended Precision ]] (`x: `) [[Vocabulary/zeroco |Constant Function ]] (`0: `)
Other links
See: EditingGuidelines#InterWiki_Linking
CategoryNuVoc CategoryWorkInProgress [Category:Development of the J Wiki W.3]]