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|: y Transpose

Rank Infinity -- operates on x and y as a whole -- WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT?

Reverses the axes of an array y

   ii=: ] {. [: i. 10 #~ #   NB. utility verb: make self-indexing array
   ]y=: ii 2 3 4             NB. sample value of shape: 2 3 4
  0   1   2   3
 10  11  12  13
 20  21  22  23

100 101 102 103
110 111 112 113
120 121 122 123
   $ y
2 3 4
   $ |:y
4 3 2

 0 100
10 110
20 120

 1 101
11 111
21 121

 2 102
12 112
22 122

 3 103
13 113
23 123

Common uses

Transpose a 2D matrix

   ]z=: 2 3 $ 'abcdef'   NB. sample mx of shape: 2 3

x |: y Rearrange Axes

Rank 1 _ -- operates on lists of x and the entirety of y -- WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT?

Rearranges the axes of an array y.

  • (x is an atom) — the axis having index x becomes the new last axis
  • (x is a list) — the axes having indices x become the new last axes.
   ii=: ] {. [: i. 10 #~ #   NB. utility verb: make self-indexing array
   ]y =: ii 2 3 4
  0   1   2   3
 10  11  12  13
 20  21  22  23

100 101 102 103
110 111 112 113
120 121 122 123

   0 |: y          NB. Move axis 0 to end. Old axes 1 and 2 become new axes 0 and 1
 0 100
 1 101
 2 102
 3 103

10 110
11 111
12 112
13 113

20 120
21 121
22 122
23 123

2 3 4
   $ 0 |: y        NB. New shape shows original axis 0 (size=2) is now the last axis
3 4 2

Repeat with a higher-rank y

   $ y=: ii 2 3 4 5 6
2 3 4 5 6

   x =: 2 1        NB. axes with sizes 4 and 3 respectively become the last axes
   $ x |: y
2 5 6 4 3

More Information

  1. Use a special form of x in  x |: y to extract the diagonal of matrix y
   ] y =: 4 4 $ 'abcdefghijklmnop'
   x =: < 0 1
   x |: y

More Uses

  1. To cause the cells of a noun to correspond to a desired computation.

Reordering the axes of an array has two effects:

  • The index lists used to refer to atoms and cells are correspondingly reordered;
  • The axes that make up the cells are changed.

The best way to understand reordering is to assign a meaning to each axis. For example we could have an array data of information for a school district. The axes could have the following meanings:

axis 0 - the school
axis 1 - grade level
axis 2 - sex of students
axis 3 - core subject
axis 4 - a list of information for a given combination of school/grade/sex/subject

Each axis has associated with it an interpretation of the index of that axis, which might look like

SCHOOLS =: 'Ridgemont High';'Valley High';'Eastgate High'
GRADES =: 9;10;11;12
SEX =: 'M';'F'
SUBJECT =: 'Math';'Science';'English';'History';'Language'
INFO =: 'Number of students';'25th pctile grade';'50th pctile grade';'75th pctile grade'
NB. Create a data table where each atom shows its index list
data =: }:@;@:((,&'_') each) each { {.@;:@": every each SCHOOLS;GRADES;SEX;SUBJECT;<INFO

With this setup, (<1 1 0 2 3) { data would be the 75th-pctile English grade for 10th-grade boys at Valley High.

   (<1 1 0 2 3) { data

Each arrangement of axes makes some computations easier than others. It is easy to compute results that correspond to cells of a noun. Here, the 1-cell is the information line. It would be easy to compute a statistic on each combination of school/grade/sex/subject.

It would also be easy to calculate a result for each combination of school/grade/sex, using all the subject data for that combination, because the subject information makes up the 2-cells of data.

   (<1 1 0) { data   NB. A single 2-cell
|Valley_10_M_Math_Number    |Valley_10_M_Math_25th    |Valley_10_M_Math_50th    |Valley_10_M_Math_75th    |
|Valley_10_M_Science_Number |Valley_10_M_Science_25th |Valley_10_M_Science_50th |Valley_10_M_Science_75th |
|Valley_10_M_English_Number |Valley_10_M_English_25th |Valley_10_M_English_50th |Valley_10_M_English_75th |
|Valley_10_M_History_Number |Valley_10_M_History_25th |Valley_10_M_History_50th |Valley_10_M_History_75th |

To operate on such a cell you would have

   subjinfoverb =: verb define
NB. y is a 5x4 table of info for each subject
   school_grade_sex =: subjinfoverb"2 data   NB. Compute for each combination of school/grade/sex

But it would not be easy to compute something for every combination of school/grade/subject. That information is spread across cells.

This is where reordering the axes comes in. To do a computation for each school/grade/subject, make those axes the leading axes of the array, leaving sex/info as the last 2 axes. Then each 2-cell will have all the information for a single combination of school/grade/subject.

   $data   NB. Data array, school/grade/sex/subject/info
3 4 2 5 4
   $ 0 1 3 2 4 |: data  NB. school/grade/subject/sex/info
3 4 5 2 4
   $ 2 4 |: data  NB. alternate form
3 4 5 2 4
   (<1 1 0) { 2 4 |: data   NB. A single 2-cell of the reshaped data

As illustrated in the last example, you don't have to give the entire list of axes. The axes you specify are moved to be the last axes of the result.

   sexinfoverb =: verb define
NB. y is a 2x4 table of info for each sex
   school_grade_subject =: sexinfoverb"2 (0 1 3 2 4) |: data   NB. Compute for each combination of school/grade/sex

Any index list into the transposed array must be transposed accordingly. If you needed to get to that 75th-pctile English grade for 10th-grade boys at Valley High, the index list into the transposed array would be (<1 1 2 0 3)

   (<1 1 2 0 3) { 2 4 |: data