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u D. n y Derivative Conjunction

Rank -- depends on the rank of u -- WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT?

Warning.png This primitive has been removed from J Version 9.01 and later versions.

The math/calculus addon defines a conjunction pderiv_jcalculus_ that replaces the functions of this primitive. Execute
load 'math/calculus'
to load this addon after you have downloaded it through Tools|Package Manager.

The n-th derivative of the mathematical function defined by verb u, evaluated at position y

Note that y represents what traditional math calls the x-axis!

   sin=: 1&o."0
   cos=: 2&o."0
   x=: o. 6 %~ i.7

   sin x
0 0.5 0.866025 1 0.866025 0.5 1.22465e_16
   cos x
1 0.866025 0.5 6.12323e_17 _0.5 _0.866025 _1
   sin D. 1 x    NB. First derivative of sin is cos
1 0.866025 0.5 6.12323e_17 _0.5 _0.866025 _1
   sin D. 2 x   NB. Second derivative of sin is -sin
0 _0.5 _0.866025 _1 _0.866025 _0.5 _1.22465e_16

If the rank of u is not 0, the result of u depends on each atom in a cell of y.

Phrase  u D. y gives the partial derivative for each atom, indicating the sensitivity of the result to small incremental changes at that atom

   +/&.:*: 0 3 4
   +/&.:*: D. 1 (0 3 4)
8.88178e_9 0.6 0.8

Common uses

1. To approximate an ordinary derivative that cannot be calculated by u d. n

   ! d. 1   NB. Gamma function not supported symbolically...
|domain error
   ! D. 1 (1)  NB. ...but can be approximated

2. To evaluate the Jacobian (determinant of matrix of partial derivatives of a transformation) at a point

   recttopolar =: *.@:j./  NB. A transformation
   recttopolar 3 4   NB. It converts (x,y) to (r,theta)
5 0.927295
   recttopolar D. 1 (3 4)   NB. J((r,theta)/(x,y))
0.6 _0.16
0.8  0.12
   % -/ . * recttopolar D. 1 (3 4)  NB. |J((x,y)/(r,theta))| = %|J((r,theta)/(x,y))|

3. To approximate all partial derivatives by finding the sensitivity of each result value to change in each input

   NB. Verb to calculate min,mean,max over the atoms of a table
   (<./ , (+/ % #) , >./)@,"2  (2 4 $ 3 1 2 5   2 3 7 4)
1 3.375 7

   NB. For each atom in the 2x4 input, calculate the sensitivity of each result value to
   NB. changes in that input atom.  The result shows that the mean is equally sensitive
   NB. to changes in all inputs, but that the min and max only change when the point containing
   NB. the extreme value changes
   (<./ , (+/ % #) , >./)@,"2 D. 1 (2 4 $ 3 1 2 5   2 3 7 4)
0 0.125 0
1 0.125 0
0 0.125 0
0 0.125 0

0 0.125 0
0 0.125 0
0 0.125 1
0 0.125 0

   NB. min,mean,max over each list.  Now the sensitivity is calculated over each 1-cell.
   (<./ , (+/ % #) , >./)@,"1 D. 1 (2 4 $ 3 1 2 5   2 3 7 4)
0 0.25 0
1 0.25 0
0 0.25 0
0 0.25 1

1 0.25 0
0 0.25 0
0 0.25 1
0 0.25 0

4. To test whether a critical point of a function is a minimum, by seeing whether the Hessian (matrix of mixed partial second derivatives) is positive definite

   func =: verb define                NB. function (x-2)^2 + (y-3)^2, with critical point at (2,3)
'x y' =. y
(*: x-2) + (*: y-3)
   ]hessian =: func D. 1 D. 1 (2 3)   NB. Matrix of mixed 2nd partial derivatives
           2 _2.64698e_16
_8.82326e_17            2
   NB. Hessian is positive definite if all principal minors have +ve determinant
   0 *./@:< (,.~ i. #hessian) (-/ . *)@}. hessian

Note:  D. 1 D. 1 (2 3) is used above where you'd expect to see  D. 2 (2 3) — which is buggy. See below: "More Information".

Related Primitives

Ordinary Derivative (u d. n)

More Information

1. If u is one of the allowed forms for  u d. 1 , the ordinary derivative will be calculated symbolically. This will be more accurate than the approximation used for calculating unknown derivatives

   0j13 ": sin d.1 (1)       NB. known form
   0j13 ": sin D.1 (1)       NB. D. also accurate
   0j13 ": (1 o. ]) d.1 (1)  NB. Unknown form
|domain error
   0j13 ": (1 o. ]) D.1 (1)  NB. D. loses precision

2. Partial derivatives are calculated when the cells of u y have rank greater than 0.

The result contains the derivative of each result atom with respect to each input atom.

The shape of the overall result will be

(frame of y wrt verb u) , (shape of y) , (shape of result of u on a single cell)
                          |<---- shape of result of single cell of u D. 1 ---->|

3. Higher derivatives are requested by n greater than 1. These are calculated symbolically only if u is an allowed form for u d. 1 with rank 0. Other derivatives are approximate, and inaccurate for n>2

   0j13 ": sin d.2 (1)       NB. 2nd derivative of sin x at 1, accurately
   0j13 ": sin"0 D.2 (1)     NB. Using D. with rank 0 still accurate
   0j13 ": sin D.2 (1)       NB. not rank 0, it's an approximation
  0j13 ": sin D.3 (1)        NB. Approximation of 3d derivative is way off
   0j13 ": sin"0 D.3 (1)     NB. Accurate one is still OK
   0j13 ": sin D. 1 D. 1  D. 1 (1)  NB. Much better to avoid higher derivatives

4. Higher partial derivatives are also allowed. These are always approximated, and inaccurate for  n>2 . The second derivative is the derivative of a verb  u D. 1 whose result on each cell of u has shape

(shape of y) , (shape of result of u on a single cell)

The shape of  u D. 2 y is

(frame of y wrt verb u) , (shape of y) , (shape of y) , (shape of result of u on a single cell)
                                         |<---- shape of result of single cell of u D. 1 ---->|
                          |<----------- shape of result of single cell of u D. 2 ------------>|

The pattern continues for higher derivatives. These derivatives are all the possible mixed partial derivatives of u at y. The indexes in the  (shape of y) sections of the above schematic select a particular mixed partial derivative.

Warning: the calculation of higher partial derivatives is buggy; prefer repeated application of D. 1.

5.  u D. n does not accept negative n, as  u d. n does.

6. n can be a list, in which case  u D. n is applied within each cell of y using each atom of n in turn.

The shape of the overall result is

(frame of y wrt verb u) , ($n), (; (>./n) # <$y) , (shape of result of u on a single cell)


1. Generating higher-order partial derivatives with  D. 2 fails. Use repeated application of  D. 1 instead.

2. Higher-order derivatives are less accurate than repeated application of  D. 1.

u`v D. n Assign Derivative Conjunction

Warning.png This primitive has been removed from J Version 9.01 and later versions

Creates a verb that behaves like u, except that if Derivative (D.) is applied to it, its derivative is taken to be verb v

   atand =: _3&o."0 ` (%@>:@*:) D. 1   NB. arctan, with derivative = 1/(1+x^2)
   0j13 ": _3&o."0 D. 1 (1)            NB. approximated derivative
   0j13 ": atand D. 1 (1)              NB. exact value