Wiki/Report of Meeting 2023-01-05

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Report of Meeting 2023-01-05

Present: Art Anger, Raul Miller, and Bob Therriault

  1. Bob began showing some of the things he had done on the current wiki. Specifically creation of the home page an additional navigation bar for wiki hints and announcements Wiki Hints can be seen here and Notices and Announcements can be seen here
  2. Bob also showed the ways that he can use the html comments to ignore some of the mark up that is required for the navigation bars. This means that the navigation bars can be put on the page and the commented out. Bob wondered if it was possible to use a bot to strip off these comments and reveal the navigation bar mark up. Raul suggested that bots can be unreliable and should be tested before this is relied on for the transition.
  3. Bob also showed how he had used categories to identify the parents of pages and this might provide a way to create an Apter Tree type functionality. Raul wondered if this would create too many categories and suggested using the magic word to keep categories from being displayed on the page if they are only used for structure. Raul pointed out that Apter Trees are good for hitting everything in the tree at once and it is not clear how this might be useful for the J wiki since you are editing a page at a time. Bob suggested that it might be useful to identify direct descendents. The "this page is linked from" function in MediaWiki does not identify direct descendents.
  4. Bob also did a quick exploration of category trees in MediaWiki and decided that he should investigate that option further to see if there was existing functionality in the wiki API.

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