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while. condition do. body end. Loop while Control

Valid only inside an explicit definition.

This flow control structure is similar to the While iteration scheme found e.g. in Ada or Python.
The conditional expression while. … sitting at the top of the loop, enables one to decide whether (and to what extent) the statements inside the do. … end. block are in turn executed.

The code below mimics in part the primitive x #: y (Antibase).

Arbitrary-Base-from-Decimal Conversion of Integers (méthode ancienne);
verb afd takes number;base as (boxed) arguments.

afd=: monad define
 'n b'=. <.|> y           NB. fetch (positive) decimal integer and target base
 if. n < 1 do. 
  v=. 0                   NB. zero is 0 in any base
  v=. i.0                 NB. initialise result vector (to empty)
  while. n > 0 do.
   v=. v,b|n              NB. amend vector with residue
   n=. <. n % b           NB. get next n through integer divide
 |.v                      NB. return digits in target base

Example use:

   afd _122.3;91
1 31
   afd 44252;16
10 12 13 12
whilst. condition do. body end. Execute body once, then loop while Control

Valid only inside an explicit definition.

This flow control structure is almost identical to the While iteration scheme above.
There's one difference: The loop is entered the first time disregarding the conditional expression present.

This feature is similar to the do … until (…) resp. repeat … until (…) loops found e.g. in Fortran or Pascal.
It would be used in cases one wants to make sure (or knows that it does make sense) that the body of the loop (the do. … end. block) will be executed once anyway.
The conditional expression whilst. … will of course cut in on the second and succeeding visits.

This code snippet is intended to show that behaviour (and nothing more). It came as the result of my conversation with chat.openai.com (ChatGPT) on 2023-05-18, asking for a funny example using repeat … until(…) . [NB. At that time it wasn't even aware that whilst. … do. … end. existed in J.]

wtl=: 3 : 0
 condition=. FALSE=. 0
 caution=. 'This loop will definitely execute at least once.'
 hint=. 'Gotcha ;-)'
 laughter=. 'HaHaHaHaHa!'
 whilst. condition do.
  echo caution
  echo hint
  echo laughter

Example use:

   wtl 0
This loop will definitely execute at least once.
Gotcha ;-)

The code below uses an often cited approximation formula by Srinivasa Ramanujan along the lines of  1/π ≈ C × Σ N/D .
See for instance

  • Chieh-Lei Wong, On the elegance of Ramanujan's series for π  [1]
  • Ben Lynn, Ramanujan's Formula for Pi  [2]

Approximation of π; verb piR takes no of iterations as argument.

piR=: 3 : 0
 n=. <. | y                 NB. no of sum terms, accepting positive integers only
 k=. 0                      NB. initialising sum index k
 ci=. 9801 % (* %:) 2       NB. inverse of constant factor (in front of sum)
 s=. 0                      NB. initialising sum
 whilst. k <: n do.
  sn=. (1103 + 26390*k) * !4*k      NB. sum's numerator
  sd=. ((396&^ * !) k)^4            NB. sum's denominator
  sf=. sn % sd                      NB. sum's fractional term
  s=. s + sf                        NB. accumulating
  k=. >: k                          NB. incrementing index
 pix=. ci % s               NB. return approximate value of π

Example use:

   9!:11 ]15                NB. set print precision

   piR 0                    NB. 1st round delivers
   9801 % 1103 * (* %:) 2   NB. already 7 leading digits correct
   9801 % 1103 * 2^3r2
   0j15":,. piR("0) 1 2 3   NB. converging veery fast (approx 8 digits per step)