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u;.1 y u;._1 y u;.2 y u;._2 y SelfIntervals Adverb

Rank Infinity -- operates on x and y as a whole -- WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT?

A family of related adverbs, differing only in small details.

We will consider  u;.1 y and  u;.2 y separately.

See this note for the meanings of related phrases  u;._1 y and  u;._2 y

Definition: In what follows, an interval of items is a sequence of consecutive items of a noun.

Case:  u;.1 y

This partitions y into a sequence of intervals and then applies u individually on each interval. The result of  u;.1 y is the array of results from individual applications of u.

An item marking the boundary of an interval is called a fret. Each interval runs from one fret to the next (or, for the last fret, to the end of the array).

In  u;.1 y the frets are those items of y that match the first item of y. In other words, the first item of y is used as a delimiter, and y is split into intervals by starting a new interval at every item of y that matches the delimiter.

Since the first item of y starts the first interval, every item of y will be in exactly one interval.

u can be any verb.

The following examples use <, which boxes each interval, and +/, which adds up the numbers in each interval.

   <;.1 'a man, a plan, a canal: panama'
|a m|an, |a pl|an, |a c|an|al: p|an|am|a|

The first item is (a), so every (a) starts a new interval.

   <;.1 ] 3 1 4 1 5 9 2 6 5 3 5 3 2 3 8
|3 1 4 1 5 9 2 6 5|3 5|3 2|3 8|

Numbers work too, just as well as bytes.

   +/;.1 (3 1 4 1 5 9 2 6 5 3 5 3 2 3 8)  NB. () needed to split numeric list
36 8 5 11

Instead of boxing the intervals using <, we totaled the numbers.

   ]a =. _2 ]\ 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 2 0 1 1 1 1 2 3   NB. An 8x2 table
1 1
1 0
0 1
1 1
2 0
1 1
1 1
2 3
   <;.1 a
|1 1|1 1|1 1|1 1|
|1 0|2 0|   |2 3|
|0 1|   |   |   |

The items of a table are lists (i. e. rows). A new interval starts with each occurrence of a match with the first item, 1 1.

Case  u;.2 y

This is like  u;.1 y, except that the frets are those items that match the last item of y, and they are used to mark the end of an interval:

   <;.2 'a man, a plan, a canal: panama'
|a| ma|n, a| pla|n, a| ca|na|l: pa|na|ma|
   <;.2 (3 1 4 1 5 9 2 6 5 3 5 3 2 3 8)   NB. Only one 8, so all one interval
|3 1 4 1 5 9 2 6 5 3 5 3 2 3 8|

Note: u;._1 and  u;._2 are like  u;.1 and  u;.2 respectively, except that the frets are removed from the intervals before u is applied:

   <;._1 'a man, a plan, a canal: panama'
| m|n, | pl|n, | c|n|l: p|n|m||
   <;._2 'a man, a plan, a canal: panama'
|| m|n, | pl|n, | c|n|l: p|n|m|

Note that when n is negative, u may be applied to an empty array, if the interval contained only one item.

Summary of the meaning of n in u;.n y
n Meaning
1 or _1 First item is delimiter, interval starts with fret
2 or _2 Last item is delimiter, interval ends with fret
positive Fret is included in interval
negative Fret is deleted from interval

Common uses

1. To cut a string y into a list of boxed substrings at some chosen delimiter, e.g. Space (' ')

   y=: 'alpha bravo charlie'
   (<;._1) ' ',y

Note that we had to add a space at the beginning to make sure we started with the right delimiter, and that we used the ;._1 form to remove the space from the resulting word.

Compare this with the action of Words (;:) which uses J's rules for recognizing words: much different from looking for spaces:

   y=: 'Fine, easy as 1 2 3?'
   ;: y
|Fine|,|easy|as|1 2 3|?|
   (<;._1) ' ',y

But for string contents known to contain no punctuation or number sequences, you might find (;:) handier to use.

2. u;._2 is often used to split a text file into lines, where each line is ended by a linefeed (LF)

   a =. 1!:1 <'C:\J\bin\profilex.ijs'  NB. Read in a text file
   a            NB. Display it.  It's a list of lines separated by LF
NB. profilex.ijs template
NB. copy template to profilex and edit as required
   <;._2 a,LF   NB. Use LF as delimiter, and split to lines
|NB. profilex.ijs template |NB. copy template to profilex and edit...

3. The result of  0 : 0 is like a text file: a list of characters, with lines separated by LF.

   n =: 0 : 0   NB. Define a multiline noun
Line 1
Line 2
   $n           NB. It's a list...
   <;._2 n      NB. ...with LF at the end of each line
|Line 1|Line 2|

When you need to define a large data array, consider using 0 : 0 to write the lines, and then u;._2 to process each line. Common choices of u are < to create a list of lines, or ". to execute each line, or <@;: to convert each line to a boxed list of words.

   ]listofnames =: <;._2 (0 : 0)  NB. Names read from a file; box each line

   ]name_zip =: ".;._2 (0 : 0)    NB. name and zipcode; execute each line
'John Bull' ; 'W1'
'John Q. Public' ; 27607
'Tanaka-san' ; 6038134
|John Bull     |W1     |
|John Q. Public|27607  |
|Tanaka-san    |6038134|

   ]colors =: <@;:;._2 (0 : 0)    NB. box each list of words
red burgundy maroon vermilion
green emerald jade
blue teal cerulean


1. Each interval has the same rank as y.

2. If u is applied to an empty argument (because the interval contained only the fret, which was deleted before applying u), then u is applied to 0 $ y. This is analogous to execution on a fill-cell.

0 $ y is an array with 0 items (each of which has the rank of an item of y).

3. u may be a cyclic gerund.

Use These Combinations

Combinations using ;.1-2 y that have exceptionally good performance are shown in Intervals.

x u;.1 y x u;._1 y x u;.2 y x u;._2 y Intervals Adverb

Rank 1 _ -- operates on lists of x and the entirety of y, with replication of atomic x -- WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT?

A family of related adverbs, differing only in small details.

Important.png Before reading about  x u;.n y make sure you understand the operation of u;.n y

and the terms interval and fret.

We will consider  x u;.1 y and  x u;.2 y separately.

See this note for the meanings of related phrases  x u;._1 y and  x u;._2 y

Definition: In what follows, an interval of items is a sequence of consecutive items of a noun.

Case:  x u;.1 y

This partitions y into a sequence of intervals and then applies u individually on each interval. The frets of y, that is the starting points of intervals, are the items of y corresponding to 1s in the Boolean list x.

The result of  x u;.1 y is the array of results from individual applications of u

   1 0 1 0 0 <;.1 'abcde'

Items of y before the first fret are not part of any interval and are not used:

  0 1 0 0 1 <;.1 'abcde'

Case:  x u;.2 y

This is like  x u;.1 y , except that the intervals end at frets

   1 0 1 0 0 <;.2 'abcde'
  0 1 0 0 1 <;.2 'abcde'

Note:  u;._1 and  u;._2 are like  u;.1 and  u;.2 respectively, except that the frets are removed from the intervals before u is applied

   1 0 1 0 0 <;._1 'abcde'
   1 0 1 0 0 <;._2 'abcde'

Summary of the meaning of n in x u;.n y
n Meaning
1 or _1 Interval starts with fret
2 or _2 Interval ends with fret
positive Fret is included in interval
negative Fret is deleted from interval

Multidimensional Intervals Using Boxed x

If x is a list of boxes, the operation is generalized from intervals of items to subarrays. Each box of x contains the frets for a single axis starting with the first.

Each axis is partitioned using its frets according to the rules of u;.n. u is applied to each subarray, and the results are collected

   ]a =. 4 4 $ 'abcdefghijklmnop'
   (1 0 0 1;0 1 0 1) <;.1 a

An axis corresponding to an empty box in x, or an axis beyond the length of x, is taken in full and does not produce an axis of the partitioning.
Exception: If the axis of y corresponding to the empty box has length 0, the 0-length axis remains in the partitioning.

   ]a =. (1 0 0;1 0 1) <;.1 i. 3 3
|0 1|2|
|3 4|5|
|6 7|8|
1 2
   ]b =. ('';1 0 1) <;.1 i. 3 3
|0 1|2|
|3 4|5|
|6 7|8|

The partitioning to create b does not have an axis corresponding to the empty box.

Common Uses

1. x u;.n y is a workhorse for acting on intervals of a noun. To cut text into English sentences (ending with "." and two spaces)

   '.  ' E. text   NB. Find ends-of-sentence
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
   ('.  ' E. text) <;.2 text
|I saw Mr. Jones.|  Mr. Jones saw me.|  We waited.|

2. To add up intervals of ascending numbers in a list

   list =. 3 1 4 1 5 9 2 6 5 3 5 8 9 7 9   NB. a list
   ]ascendingstarts =. 1 , 2 >/\ list      NB. places where the list starts an ascending sequence
1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0
   ascendingstarts <;.1 list               NB. The ascending sequences
|3|1 4|1 5 9|2 6|5|3 5 8 9|7 9|
   ascendingstarts +/;.1 list              NB. Totals of the ascending sequences
3 5 15 8 5 25 16

3. To split a matrix into block matrix form

   (1 0 0 1;1 0 1 0 0) <;.1 i.4 5
| 0  1| 2  3  4|
| 5  6| 7  8  9|
|10 11|12 13 14|
|15 16|17 18 19|


1. Each interval has the same rank as y.

2. If u is applied to an empty argument (because the interval contained only the fret, which was deleted before applying u), u is applied to 0 $ y. This is analogous to execution on a fill-cell.

Phrase  0 $ y is an array with 0 items (each of which has the rank of an item of y).

3. If y has no intervals (because x is all zero), the result is  0 $ ,: u 0 $ y . This is analogous to execution on a fill-cell.

Phrase  0 $ y is an array with 0 items (each of which has the rank of an item of y), and the final  0 $ ,: prepends a leading axis of 0 length.

4. u may be a cyclic gerund.

5. If x is a scalar, it is replicated and used for each item of y.


1. If x is empty and y has items, the result is  u y .

2. If x is empty and y has no items, the result is 0 $ ,: u y .

3. If x is boxed, the same principle applies: an empty box in x means that the corresponding axis is taken in full and does not produce an axis in the result., except when the axis has length 0.

Use These Combinations

Combinations using x ;.1-2 y that have exceptionally good performance are shown in Intervals.