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Notes on the usage of "Words" (monadic ;:)

See Vocabulary/SequentialMachineNotes for notes on usage of dyadic (;:)

The monadic sequential machine implements lexical analysis to split a J sentence into words.

It works to some extent when breaking English sentences into words too.

Words (;:) has a defined obverse.

   ;: '.2'                            NB. Is .2 a number to J?
   ;: 'Reserved:::...:.J...Words...'  NB. How do inflections work?
   ;: 'f::g'                          NB. This is NOT an adverse specification
   ;: 'f :: g'                        NB. This IS an adverse specification
   ;: '(+/ % #) 1 2 3 4 88.4'         NB. the vector is a single word
|(|+|/|%|#|)|1 2 3 4 88.4|

   a=: '   The   sequential  machine  sometimes     works with   English.  '
   ;: a

   embed=: >@:{.@:[ , ] , >@:{:@:[
   ('>>>';'<<<') embed a
>>>   The   sequential  machine  sometimes     works with   English.  <<<

   deb                                NB. delete extra blanks
#~ (+. (1: |. (> </\)))@(' '&~:)

   NB. Use "Under" to demonstrate inverse.
   (deb -: ]&.:;:) a                  NB. The result is the same as for deb
   (deb -: [&.:;:) 'These will, of course, differ.'

   '><' embed [&.:;: a
>The sequential machine sometimes works with English.<

   #book=: 1!:1 < 'A_Christmas_Carol_NT.txt'

   ts=: 6!:2 , 7!:2@]                 NB. (time , space) -from Help / Phr 14A)

   ts 'deb book'
0.002849 788224

   ts '[&.: ;:book'                   NB. 10*slower and 2*space of deb (Use deb!)
0.033055 1.3343e7

Suppose you meet +/ .* in a fork. Or is it a hook? You must know whether there are an even or an odd number of verbs to distinguish hook from fork. This, in turn, determines the data routing.

   ;:'+/ .*'

Be aware that

  • the adverb Insert (/) influences preceding: +
  • Dot Product (.) binds  +/ to  * producing a single verb.-~

(contributed by DavidLambert)