User:Tom Allen/ta/AddendumX06P09A
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load 'plot' pd 'reset' x6Rx2 =.(0{])+((1{])-0{])*(i.@>:%])@(2{]) x6spiral=.(x6m*^@(x6q*]-x6p))(([*cos@]);[*sin@])] x6m=.1"_ x6q=.0.01"_ x6p=.0.00p1"_ pd x6spiral x6Rx2 _150.00p1 20.10p1 15000 pd 'aspect 1' pd 'canvas plot.html 666 500'
pU0=:,:@(0.05 1 2 8 1 1 1 _0.1 0.01"_) vSgDd2=:pU0([([-@(0{])@E1cv yRef@hkyX06B),:@(S03yH{]))] Initx =: 1.0300 , 0.5p1 , 0.25p1 , 0p1"_ Initdx=: (0 , 0 , 0 , 0.1"_)*%@InitInt=:8"_ Inity =:zfyc@Initx Initdy=:zfyc@(Initx+Initdx)+-@zfyc@Initx Initds=:|@((((0{])^2:)+((1{])^2:)+((2{])^2:)+-@((3{])^2:))^0.5"_)@Initdy vS00yL =:Inity vS01dyL =:0,0,0,0: vS02d1L =:Initdy%Initds vS06ds =:Initds vS07count=:(0,768000"_)*InitInt pdDL =:vSgD@vS'' pdDLpt1=:(i.@(3072000"_){]) pdDL pdDLpt1 arrayPut 'pdDLpt1' arrayClose 'pdDLpt1' pdDLpt2=:((3072000+i.@(3072001"_)){]) pdDL pdDLpt2 arrayPut 'pdDLpt2' arrayClose 'pdDLpt2'
NB. ... execute (ijx) ... arrayOpen 'pdDLpt1' pdDLpt1=:3072000 8 4 arrayGet 'pdDLpt1' NB. ... shape required ... arrayClose 'pdDLpt1' arrayOpen 'pdDLpt2' pdDLpt2=:3072001 8 4 arrayGet 'pdDLpt2' NB. ... shape required ... arrayClose 'pdDLpt2' pdDL=:pdDLpt1,pdDLpt2 pdDLpt1=:0 pdDLpt2=:0
load 'plot' pd 'reset' pd <"1@(0|:])@:((cy0,cy1)@(S00yL{])"2) pdDL pd ((0.9675*cos@]"0);0.9675*sin@]"0) pTsteps _ 0p1 2p1 160 pd ((1.2832*cos@]"0);1.2832*sin@]"0) pTsteps _ 0p1 2p1 160 pd 'aspect 1' pd 'canvas plot.html 666 500' NB. ... the file generated opens in Firefox ...
load 'plot' pd 'reset' incy0=:(2-~/\])@:(cy0"1) incy1=:(2-~/\])@:(cy1"1) incy2=:(2-~/\])@:(cy2"1) incy3=:(2-~/\])@:(cy3"1) veloc=:(((incy0^2:)+incy1^2:)^0.5"_)%incy3 pd (}:@((0.1%8"_)*i.@(2560001"_));veloc)@:((S00yL{])"2) ((i.@(2560001"_)){]) pdDL pd (}:@((0.1%8"_)*i.@(2560001"_));incy2)@:((S00yL{])"2) ((i.@(2560001"_)){]) pdDL pd 'canvas plot.html 666 500'
load 'plot' pd 'reset' NB. ... plotted against the length in 4-dimensional spacetime ... NB. ... (an equal length in 4-dimensional spacetime means the events are coincident) ... pd (((0.1%8"_)*i.@(2560001"_));(0.1%8"_)*i.@(2560001"_))'' pd (((0.1%8"_)*i.@(2560001"_));cy3"1)@:((S00yL{])"2) ((i.@(2560001"_)){]) pdDL pd 'canvas plot.html 666 500'
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