User:Ewart Shaw/Crypt

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Homegrown Encrypt/decrypt

I have many different passwords for online accounts, and can never remember which is which, particularly as so few websites allow individualised 'hints'. Therefore I created a script to encrypt passwords, using a master password. The encryption pseudorandomly alters each character, pseudorandomly permutes the text, and the encryption varies with timestamp (so encryptions 1 millisecond apart look very different).

Others might find the functions useful. Please note that pseudorandom number generators, even the Mersenne twister, are generally not recommended for encryption. Hence the following all-encompassing disclaimer.

Disclaimer: I am not responsible.

NB. Encrypting functions
NB. Ewart Shaw 26-Oct-2004  (last modified 30-July-2011)
NB. =========================================================

encrypt=: 3 : 0
PASSWD encrypt y
rng=. saverng''
9!:43 ] 2
'a b'=. seeds x
y=. cvauto cvfasc y
9!:1 b
y=. perm y
9!:1 a
a=. wrap a64fcv submod y
restorerng rng

decrypt=: 3 : 0
PASSWD decrypt y
rng=. saverng''
9!:43 ] 2
'a b'=. seeds x
9!:1 a
y=. addmod cvfa64 unwrap y
9!:1 b
y=. unperm y
restorerng rng
ascfcv cvunauto y

NB. seeds=: (10x^9)"_ | 64x"_ #. a."_ i. ] ,: |.
seeds=: (10x^9) | [: |: (64x +i. 6) #."0 0 _ a."_ i. ] ,: |.

passwd=: 3 : 'PASSWD=: y'
hint=: 3 : '''insert your hint here'',LF'
passwd''   NB. initialise to empty password

NB. =========================================================
NB.* saverng  v  save RNG state

saverng=: (9!:44 ; 9!:0 ; 9!:42)
restorerng=: 3 : 0
 'state seed type'=. Y=: y
 9!:43 type
 9!:1 seed
 9!:45 state
'RNG restored'

NB. =========================================================
NB.* ascfcv  v  ASCII text from crypt vector
NB.* cvfasc  v  crypt vector from ASCII text
NB.* cvfts   v  crypt vector from time stamp

cvfts=: (6#64) #: 0 60 60 24 31 12 #. [: |. 1 1 1 1 1 36 <.@* 6!:0

cvfasc=: 3 : 0
n0=. n1 -~ 3 * n3=. >. 3 %~ n1=. >: n=. #y
pre=. (n0 + 3 * ? 84), ? n0#255
, (4#64) #: 255 #. (n3,3) $ pre, a. i. y

ascfcv=: 3 : 0
n4=. <. 4 %~ n=. # y
a=. , (3#255) #: 64 #. (n4,4) $ y
a. {~ (>: 3 | {.a) }. a

NB. =========================================================
NB.* a64fcv  v  ASCII (subset of 64 chars) from crypt vector
NB.* addmod  v  add random increments & take mod (default 64)
NB.* cvfa64  v  reverse a64fcv
NB.* perm    v  apply random permutation
NB.* submod  v  reverse addmod
NB.* unperm  v  reverse perm
NB.* unwrap  v  reverse wrap for ASCII text with no ' ' or LF
NB.* wrap    v  wrap y to matrix with x columns

perm=: (# ? #) { ]
unperm=: ([: /: # ? #) { ]

addmod=: 64&addmod : ([ | ] + [: ? #@] # [)
submod=: 64&submod : ([ | ] - [: ? #@] # [)

wrap=: 3 : 0
64 wrap y
n=. # y=. ,y
r=. >. n%x
(r,x) $ (r*x) {. y
unwrap=: , -. (' ',LF)"_

a64fcv=: {&(a. {~ 46 58, (, 65 97 +/ i.26), 48 + i. 10)
cvfa64=: (a. {~ 46 58, (, 65 97 +/ i.26), 48 + i. 10)&i.

NB. =========================================================
NB.* cvauto    v  auto-obscure crypt vector
NB.* cvunauto  v  reverse cvauto

cvauto=: 3 : 0
9!:43 ] 2
9!:1 seed=. cvfts''
y=. addmod y
9!:1 seed
seed, perm y

cvunauto=: 3 : 0
9!:43 ] 2
9!:1 seed=. 6 {. y
y=. unperm 6 }. y
9!:1 seed
submod y

NB. =========================================================
NB. Example, encoded with password   ,'s Bolero
NB. try:
NB.    passwd ',''s Bolero'
NB.    ] ORIG=. decrypt CODED
NB.    encrypt ORIG
NB.    encrypt ORIG
NB. Note that all encrypts are different (depends on time stamp)

hint=: 'Sarajevo'"_

CODED=: }: 0 : 0

NB. =========================================================
NB. describe on loading

DESCRIBE=: 0 : 0
NB. to encrypt/decrypt text
passwd 'whatever'   NB. set password to whatever
hint''              NB. something to remind you of your password
encrypt TEXT        NB. produce encrypted text (e.g. to be cut+pasted)
decrypt CODED       NB. produce original text from coded version

1!:2&2 ] DESCRIBE