User:Devon McCormick/IdeasForJIn5Minutes/FiveTakes

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Language Slapdown, J in 5 minutes, short introduction

Here are some preliminary ideas for introducing J to a technical audience as part of the Language Slapdown introduced here.

Take 1

My very first attempt went overboard on the mandatory "Hello World" example.

Before I give the "Hello, World" example, I'd like to explain a little about the language.

   i. 3 4     NB. "i." is a verb which acts on the noun "3 4".
0 1  2  3
4 5  6  7
8 9 10 11

   +/ i. 3 4
12 15 18 21
NB. "/" is an adverb which applies the verb "+" to the
NB.  noun resulting from the evaluation of "i. 3 4".

Here are examples of "Hello, World!" in J:

   'Hello, World!'   NB. Not a "program"  $(H i (Bs a noun, not a verb.
Hello, World!

   helloWorld=: 'Hello, World!'  NB. Not a verb, assigns name to noun.
   helloWorld                    NB. Immediate execution: displays value
Hello, World!

   helloWorld=: 3 : '''Hello, World!'''  NB. Simple verb definition
   helloWorld              NB. Without argument, displays "value".
3 : '''Hello, World!'''
   helloWorld ''           NB. Verb applied to noun gives (noun) result.
Hello, World!

   helloWorld=: 3 : 0      NB. Multi-line verb definition: let's do more.
   if. ' '={.0$y do. 'Hello, World!'             NB. Character argument or
   else. ('Hello, World'),('s'#~1~:{.y),'!' end. NB. numeric argument
   helloWorld ''               NB. Empty, character argument
Hello, World!
   helloWorld 1                NB. Numeric arguments one-at-a-time,
Hello, World!
   helloWorld 2
Hello, Worlds!
   helloWorld each 1;2;''      NB. or multiple arguments at once
|Hello, World!|Hello, Worlds!|Hello, World!|
   each                        NB. Definition of "each" adverb.
   helloWorld2=: helloWorld"0  NB. Version 2 works on scalar elements,
   helloWorld 1 2              NB. not entire argument as original.
Hello, World!
   helloWorld2 1 2
Hello, World!
Hello, Worlds!
helloWorld=: 3 : 0      NB. Multi-line definition - do more.
   if. ' '={.0$y do. 'Hello, "',(,y),'" world!' NB. Character argument or
   else. num=. ":{.y                            NB. numeric argument.
       ('Hello, ',num,' world'),('s'#~1~:{.y),'!' end.
   helloWorld2 i.2 3
Hello, 0 worlds!
Hello, 1 world!
Hello, 2 worlds!

Hello, 3 worlds!
Hello, 4 worlds!
Hello, 5 worlds!
   $helloWorld2 i.2 3      NB. Shape of argument prefixes shape of result.
2 3 16
   $helloWorld2 i.2 3 4    NB. Lengthens because of 2-digit numbers.
2 3 4 17
   helloWorld2 each 'HI';1 2;i.2 3
|Hello, "H" world!|Hello, 1 world! |Hello, 0 worlds!|
|Hello, "I" world!|Hello, 2 worlds!|Hello, 1 world! |
|                 |                |Hello, 2 worlds!|
|                 |                |                |
|                 |                |Hello, 3 worlds!|
|                 |                |Hello, 4 worlds!|
|                 |                |Hello, 5 worlds!|

Take 2

This time, I attempt to introduce more basic concepts about the language and minimize the "Hello World" example because it's such a trivial program that it can scarcely speak to the strengths of J.

   (3 : '''Hello, world!''') ''  NB. Anonymous function on empty argument.
Hello, world!

My thought here is to introduce a couple of basic elements of the J vocabulary to lead into showing a semi-realistic example of a powerful adverb.

   i. 3 4     NB. "i." is a verb which acts on the noun "3 4".
0 1  2  3
4 5  6  7
8 9 10 11

   +/ i. 3 4  NB. "/" is an adverb which applies the verb "+" to the
12 15 18 21   NB.  noun resulting from the evaluation of "i. 3 4".
   */ i. 3 4  NB. Use "multiply" noun instead of "add".
0 45 120 231
Another adverb example: the "key" adverb.  First, let's define some nouns with data on holdings - ''hld'' - and the titles of each column - ''hldtit''.
   'hldtit hld'=: split <;._1 &>TAB,&.><;._2 ] 0 : 0
Account	Ticker	Amount
001	AAPL	100
002	MSFT	200
003	IBM	300
001	MSFT	1000
002	PTY	2000
003	MSFT	3000
001	IBM	10000
002	AAPL	20000
003	AAPL	30000
hld=: (".&.>2{hld) 2}hld=: |:hld    NB. Columns to rows and convert numeric row to numbers.

Here's what these two nouns look like - we simply enter their names to display their values:


|001 |002 |003|001 |002 |003 |001  |002  |003  |
|100 |200 |300|1000|2000|3000|10000|20000|30000|

Here's what we might do with them: first, look up values by the column label.

   hldtit i. <'Tkr'              NB. Index of the "Ticker" column ,T
   1{hld                         NB. Data in that column:
   hld{~hldtit i. <'Tkr'         NB. Combine the expressions:

Now, use key adverb "/." to sum the amounts by ticker and append the column text column-wise:

   (hld{~hldtit i. <'Tkr') (([: ~. [) ,. +&.>/ /.) hld{~hldtit i. <'Amt'
|MSFT|4200 |
|IBM |10300|
|PTY |2000 |

Do the same with a different key value to sum by account:

   (hld{~hldtit i. <'Acct') (([: ~. [) ,. +&.>/ /.) hld{~hldtit i. <'Amt'

But since "key" is an adverb, we can do things other than summation, like concatenation:

   (hld{~hldtit i. <'Acct') (([: ~. [) ,. , /.) hld{~hldtit i. <'Tkr'

Take 3

Here I go back to beating up "Hello World".

   (3 : '''Hello, world!''') ''  NB. Anonymous function on empty argument.
Hello, world!

If the spec for the "Hello, world" program really mandates it to be a niladic function (one that takes no argument) with a constant result, isn't this naturally a noun (data) rather than a verb (function)?

Here are some variations on this theme. First, start with variants for the first and last word:

   ('Hello';'Hi';'Yo');(<', ');<('world';'everybody'),&.>'!'
||Hello|Hi|Yo|||, |||world!|everybody!||

Then show all combos:

   {('Hello';'Hi';'Yo');(<', ');<('world';'everybody'),&.>'!'
||Hello|, |world!|||Hello|, |everybody!||
|+--+--+------+   |+--+--+----------+   |
||Hi|, |world!|   ||Hi|, |everybody!|   |
|+--+--+------+   |+--+--+----------+   |
|+--+--+------+   |+--+--+----------+   |
||Yo|, |world!|   ||Yo|, |everybody!|   |
|+--+--+------+   |+--+--+----------+   |

Then, for neatness, remove the inner boxing:

   ;&.>{('Hello';'Hi';'Yo');(<', ');<('world';'everybody'),&.>'!'
|Hello, world!|Hello, everybody!|
|Hi, world!   |Hi, everybody!   |
|Yo, world!   |Yo, everybody!   |

Introduce the start of the grammatical hierarchy:

   i. 3 4     NB. "i." is a verb which acts on the noun "3 4".
0 1  2  3
4 5  6  7
8 9 10 11

   +/ i. 3 4  NB. "/" is an adverb which applies the verb "+" to the
12 15 18 21   NB.  noun resulting from the evaluation of "i. 3 4".
   */ i. 3 4  NB. Apply a different verb to get the product of columns.
0 45 120 231

   (+`*)/ i. 3 4     NB. Can tie verbs together in sequence.
32 46 62 80
   (+/%#) i. 3 4     NB. Can apply verb train down columns
4 5 6 7
   (+/%#)"1 i. 3 4   NB. or across rows.
1.5 5.5 9.5

   applyRC=: 1 : '(u y);u"1 y'  NB. Apply arbitrary verb to columns and rows.
   +/ applyRC i. 3 4            NB. Sum rows and columns
|12 15 18 21|6 22 38|
   (+/%#) applyRC i. 3 4        NB. Average rows and columns
|4 5 6 7|1.5 5.5 9.5|

Take 4

Taking a different tack by demonstrating the power available from defining one's own adverb.

Maybe some examples using this user-defined adverb?

generalWalkTree=: 1 : 0
   (1 0) u generalWalkTree y  NB. Default: breadth-first, flattened result.
   ct=. 0 [ rr=. '' [ stack=. ,boxopen y [ x=. 2{.x
   ctr=. (0{x){_1 0           NB. First we build the stack.
   while. ct<#stack do.                           NB. Get subdir names:
       subds=. ((('d'e.&>4{"1])#0{"1])@:(1!:0@<)) (>ctr{stack),'\*'
       subds=. subds (],&.>'\',&.>[) ctr{stack    NB. -> full path names
       if. 0{x do. stack=. stack,subds            NB. Breadth or
       else.       stack=. subds,stack  end.      NB.  depth first
       ctr=. ctr+(0{x){_1 1 [ ct=. >:ct           NB. Go forward or backward
   dpth=. (]-<./)'\'+/ . =&>stack

   if. 1{x do. ;&.>(<:~.dpth) depthEnc dpth </. u&.>stack  NB. Preserve tree
   else.       u&.>stack              end.                 NB.  or flatten it.
NB.EG ([:;2{"1 [:dir '*',~],'\'-.{:) generalWalkTree 'C:\' NB. All file sizes

Let's define a verb to do some things to files in a directory:

workOnDir=: 3 : 0
   1!:44 y [ cfgfl=. 'test.cfg'           NB. Remove "version = ,T" (B line from
   if. fexist cfgfl do. fl=. f2v cfgfl    NB. the config file.
       rmln=. -.((<'version')+./ . E. &>tolower&.>fl) *. (<'=')+./ . E. &>fl
       (rmln#fl) v2f cfgfl [ ferase cfgfl end.
   if. 'output'-:>_1{a:-.~<;._1 '\',y do. NB. Remove *.txt files from output dir
           if. 0<#fls=. fls#~-.ferase&>fls=. 0{"1 dir '*.txt' do.
               smoutput 'In ',y,', failed to erase: '
               smoutput ' ','.',~punclist fls end.

Use this verb, starting at a particular directory and working down to all sub-directories.

   startdir=. 'C:\SP\EvalEng\Win\4.3Alpha3\'
   6!:2 'rr=. workOnDir generalWalkTree startdir'
   0*./ . =#&>rr                         NB. All results of zero-length?
   $rr                                   NB. How many directories did we visit?
   1!:43''                               NB. Where did we end up?

It was generally agreed that this was far too much J code and too little explanation to be useful.

Take 5

[Things are starting to coalesce with this attempt.]

   (3 : '''Hello, world!''') ''  NB. Anonymous function on empty argument.
Hello, world!
   'Hello, world!'               NB. Ought to be simply constant string.
Hello, world!

Basic beginnings of J's grammatical hierarchy:

   i. 3 4      NB. "i." is a verb which acts on the noun "3 4".
0 1  2  3
4 5  6  7
8 9 10 11

   + / i. 3 4  NB. "/" is an adverb which applies the verb "+" across the
12 15 18 21    NB.  noun resulting from the evaluation of "i. 3 4".
   * / i. 3 4  NB. Apply a different verb to get the product of rows.
0 45 120 231

Digression on some aspects of array handling:

   (+`*) /  i. 3 4   NB. Can tie verbs together in sequence.
32 46 62 80          NB. 32=0+4*8; 46=1+5*9, etc.
   (+/%#)   i. 3 4   NB. Can apply verb train down columns
4 5 6 7
   (+/%#)"1 i. 3 4   NB. or across rows.
1.5 5.5 9.5

Back to grammar to highlight a simplifying rule: just as "verb + noun" ? new noun, "verb + adverb" ? new verb. So,

   Sum=: +/ [ Prod=: */                NB. Name some compound verbs
   AvgCol=: Avg"1 [ Avg=: +/%#         NB. Hidden in name vs. explicit "1.
   (Sum ; Prod ; Avg ; AvgCol) i. 3 4  NB. Verb train
|12 15 18 21|0 45 120 231|4 5 6 7|1.5 5.5 9.5|

Some more on array handling:

   +/ \ i. 3 4                         NB. Scan "\" ? Cumulative sum
 0  1  2  3                            NB. (+/0),(+/1),(+/2),(+/3)
 4  6  8 10                            NB. (+/0 4),(+/1 5),(+/2 6),(+/3 7)
12 15 18 21                            NB. (+/0 4 8),(+/1 5 9),(+/2 6 10), ,T
 (B   2 +/ \ i.4 4                        NB. "2": Sum (overlapping) pairs
 4  6  8 10
12 14 16 18
20 22 24 26
   _2 +/ \ i.4 4                       NB. "_2": Sum (non-overlapping pairs)
 4  6  8 10
20 22 24 26

Continuing up the grammatical hierarchy to show user-defined adverb:

   applyRC=: 1 : '(u y);u"1 y'  NB. Apply arbitrary verb to columns and rows.
   +/ applyRC i. 3 4            NB. Sum rows and columns
|12 15 18 21|6 22 38|
   (+/%#) applyRC i. 3 4        NB. Average rows and columns
|4 5 6 7|1.5 5.5 9.5|

Finally, the last grammatical element: a conjunction takes two verbs as its argument:

   showMM=: 4 : '(''''; y),:x;x +/ . * y'        NB. Show elements of matrix multiply
   ]idy4=. =/~i.4                                NB. 4x4 Identity mat
1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1
   idy4 showMM i. 4 4
|       | 0  1  2  3|
|       | 4  5  6  7|
|       | 8  9 10 11|
|       |12 13 14 15|
|1 0 0 0| 0  1  2  3|
|0 1 0 0| 4  5  6  7|
|0 0 1 0| 8  9 10 11|
|0 0 0 1|12 13 14 15|
   showDotConj=: 2 : '(''''; ]),:[;[ x/ . y ]'  NB. Show generalized dot conjunction
   idy4 (+ showDotConj *) i. 4 4
|       | 0  1  2  3|
|       | 4  5  6  7|
|       | 8  9 10 11|
|       |12 13 14 15|
|1 0 0 0| 0  1  2  3|
|0 1 0 0| 4  5  6  7|
|0 0 1 0| 8  9 10 11|
|0 0 0 1|12 13 14 15|