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Download the script here: File:Arc4.ijs
NB. arc4.ijs NB. ************************************************************************** NB. arc4 (V2.0) - J (V6.01) OO implementation of Arcfour NB. NB. Copyright: Kym Farnik, 2006-02-17 NB. Free to use/abuse as you want. NB. No guarantee or warantee expressed or implied. NB. If this does anything useful, good luck! NB. Thanks to Devon McCormick and Roger Hui for help and ideas. NB. NB. Update 2.0 - J6.01 (y. is now y etc) NB. NB. Compatible with the RC4 algorithm. NB. RC4 encryption/decryption, per Schneier's NB. "Applied Cryptography, 2nd edition". NB. NB. Download J from: NB. NB. NB. Refer: NB. NB. NB. NB. Installation: NB. copy 'arc4.ijs' file to J 'user/classes/' directory NB. NB. arc4 Notes... NB. 1. Key can be string or numbers NB. 2. PlainText is string NB. 3. Result is string NB. 4. For reasonable security follow these rules: NB. 4.1 Only use a key once (for a single message or session) as the same NB. key with multiple messages can be decoded with xor !! NB. 4.2 Key should be at least 128bits (16 items in the key list) NB. ************************************************************************** NB. NB. NB. Usage and test: NB. NB. require 'user/classes/arc4.ijs' NB. load class definition NB. NB. PlainText =: 'AbCdE 0123/*&^%' NB. test string NB. Key =: 16b01 16b23 16b45 16b67 16b89 16bab 16bcd 16bef NB. NB. Test key (values < 256) NB. Expected =: 53 246 129 131 85 107 56 72 63 120 250 121 20 209 59 { a. NB. NB. Expected result string NB. NB. c1 =: Key conew 'arc4' NB. Instantiate arc4 object NB. Result =: encrypt__c1 PlainText NB. NB. Result = Expected NB. Test, should return 1's (true) NB. NB. NB. Decrypt is encrypt in reverse... NB. NB. Create a new object with key again NB. NB. (You may want to destroy the old one) NB. NB. Apply encrypt to the Result to get the PlainText NB. NB. NB. If processing multiple part message or session NB. NB. keep applying encrypt as required. NB. NB. c2 =: Key conew 'arc4' NB. Instantiate another arc4 object NB. [ Decrypted =: encrypt__c2 Result NB. Should display plain text NB. NB. destroy__c1'' NB. clean up encryption objects NB. destroy__c2'' NB. NB. NB. NB. Cipher Saber implementation using arc4... NB. NB. require 'user/classes/arc4.ijs' NB. load class definition NB. require 'numeric' NB. We need randomize NB. NB. PlainTextMessage =: 'This is my message; can you read it?' NB. NB. NB. Cipher Saber Encode... NB. NB. randomize'' NB. Change the random seed NB. IV =: 10 ? 256 NB. IV as 10 random bytes (0..255) NB. Key128 =: 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 NB. NB. test key, use your own values NB. NB. (16 bytes = 128 bits) NB. c1 =: (Key128,IV) conew 'arc4' NB. Instantiate arc4 object NB. CipherSaberMessage =: (IV { a.), encrypt__c1 PlainTextMessage NB. NB. Put IV as plain text on front NB. NB. of encypted message NB. destroy__c1'' NB. clean up encyrption object NB. NB. NB. the CipherSaberMessage can now be written to a file etc. NB. NB. NB. NB. Cipher Saber Decode... NB. NB. ExtractIV =: a. i. (i.10) { CipherSaberMessage NB. NB. Extract IV (1st ten chars) NB. Encoded =: (10+i.(10-~#CipherSaberMessage)){CipherSaberMessage NB. NB. Extract encoded part of message NB. c2 =: (Key128,IV) conew 'arc4' NB. Instantiate arc4 object NB. DecodedMessage =: encrypt__c2 Encoded NB. NB. Decrypt message NB. destroy__c2'' NB. clean up encyrption object NB. DecodedMessage = PlainTextMessage NB. Should be 1's NB. NB. ************************************************************************** NB. NB. How come I've written an essay of comments and very little code? :-) NB. coclass 'arc4' NB. Define class name NB. Object destructor destroy =: codestroy NB. Standard object destroyer NB. Object create, takes a right parameter (y) the key NB. Key is a list of integers < 256 up to 256 items in length NB. Object attributes: state, i, j create =: 3 : 0 state =: i. 256 NB. list of 256 integers 0..255 s2 =. y NB. Get key number list or string if. ' '={.0$s2 do. NB. If type is string then s2 =. a. i. s2 NB. make into list of numbers end. s2 =. 256 $ s2 NB. vector 256 of the reapeting key i =: j =: 0 NB. set i,j to zero while. i < 256 do. NB. Setup state vector j =: 256 | j + (i{ state) + i{ s2 NB. j = (j+state[i]+S2[i]) % 256 state =: ((i,j){state) (j,i)}state NB. Swap state [i] and [j] i =: >: i NB. Increment i end. i =: j=: 0 NB. set i,j to zero ) NB. end of create object NB. a J thing, we define integer bitwise xor as... xor =: 22 b. NB. arc4 encrypt (and decrypt) method NB. Right parameter y is a string to be processed encrypt =: 3 : 0 a =. a. i. y NB. string as integer list ASCII n =. 0 NB. set counter to zero while. n < #a do. NB. Traverse string i =: 256 | >: i NB. Increment i mod 256 j =: 256 | j + i{state NB. next J (j = j+state[i]) % 256) swaps =. (i,j){state NB. Bytes to swap state =: swaps (j,i)}state NB. store in swap order a =. (((256|+/swaps){state) xor n{a) n}a NB. k XOR string element[n] n =. >: n NB. Increment n end. NB. Result is encrypted string a { a. NB. Convert integers to ascii ) NB. end of encrypt NB. end of arc4.ijs
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