multi-dimensional arrays, Bezier, SVG, functional programming, Qt GUI, language, nouns, verbs, OOP, Object-Oriented Programming
Meeting Agenda for NYCJUG 20130409
1. Beginner's regatta: some simple exercises: see "Poor Mans Diff - Practical MultiD arrays.doc". 2. Show-and-tell: using SVG to create interactive web animations: see "animated- bezierJS.doc". 3. Advanced topics: some functional extensions to J: see "Jprogramming-Functional Extensions.doc". Advances in J GUI-building: see "Qt Implementation of wd.doc". 4. Learning, teaching and promoting J, et al.: language learning - see "Nouns before verbs.doc". Example of an introductory J text: see (first few pages of) "Chapter 1 of the Stokes book on learning J.doc". OOP considered BS: see "All evidence points to OOP being bullshit.doc".
Beginner's Regatta
Poor Man’s “Diff”
Here’s an example of using J to illuminate the differences between two different versions of a file. In this case, we’re looking at the J code to play Nurikabe, both before and after a fix to correct a defect in ending the game correctly.
... Downloading games/nurikabe... Installing games/nurikabe... Done. All available packages are installed and up to date. 'f0 f1'=. (<;._2)&.>fread&.>(<'c:/Program Files (x86)/j64-801/addons/games/nurikabe/nurikabe'),&.>('0';''),&.><'.ijs' #&>f0;<f1 939 939 f0-.f1 +---------------+-------------------+-----------------------+... |if. -.DONE do. |formx=. wdqformx'' |gx=. wdqchildxywhx 'g' |... +---------------+-------------------+-----------------------+... ...-------------------------+------------------------------------+... ...del=. 1 + siz - _2 {. gx |wd 'set g wh ',": _2{. gx + 0 0,del |... ...-------------------------+------------------------------------+... ...-------------------------------+ ...wd 'pmovex ',":formx + 0 0,del | ...-------------------------------+ ;LF,~&.>f0-.f1 NB. Lines in old, not new if. -.DONE do. formx=. wdqformx'' gx=. wdqchildxywhx 'g' del=. 1 + siz - _2 {. gx wd 'set g wh ',": _2{. gx + 0 0,del wd 'pmovex ',":formx + 0 0,del ;LF,~&.>f0-.~f1 NB. Lines in new, not old if. 0=DONE do. formx=. wdqform'' gx=. wdqchildxywh 'g' wd 'set g wh ',": siz NB. del=. 1 + siz - _2 {. gx NB. wd 'pmove ',":formx + 0 0,del (>(<CRLF)-.~&.>f0-.f1);<>(<CRLF)-.~&.>f0-.~f1 NB. Side-by-side comparison +-----------------------------------+---------------------------------+ |if. -.DONE do. |if. 0=DONE do. | |formx=. wdqformx'' |formx=. wdqform'' | |gx=. wdqchildxywhx 'g' |gx=. wdqchildxywh 'g' | |del=. 1 + siz - _2 {. gx |wd 'set g wh ',": siz | |wd 'set g wh ',": _2{. gx + 0 0,del|NB. del=. 1 + siz - _2 {. gx | |wd 'pmovex ',":formx + 0 0,del |NB. wd 'pmove ',":formx + 0 0,del| +-----------------------------------+---------------------------------+
A Practical Use of Multi-dimensional Arrays
Here’s an example of assembling a multi-dimensional array to copy three directories to three drives, each with two sub-directories, each with two versions of the destination package to be updated. We start by templating the copy command we’ll be using with the sources.
srcs=. (<'C:\Clarifi\'),&.>'tseries';'zoo';'quadprog' >egcmds=. (<'xcopy '),&.>srcs,&.><' {dest} /S /C /H /I /R /Q /Y' xcopy C:\Clarifi\tseries {dest} /S /C /H /I /R /Q /Y xcopy C:\Clarifi\zoo {dest} /S /C /H /I /R /Q /Y xcopy C:\Clarifi\quadprog {dest} /S /C /H /I /R /Q /Y
We continue by assembling the orthogonal concatentation of drive letters by sub-directories, by destination versions.
#dests=. 'TUV',&.>/(<':\Clarifi\'),&.>('Modelstation';'Node'),&.>/(<'\res\R\'),&.>/('R-2.8.0';'R-2.12.2'),&.><'\library\' 3 2 2 NB. 3 drives by 2 sub-directories by 2 versions >,dests NB. Make sure they look right… T:\Clarifi\Modelstation\res\R\R-2.8.0\library\ T:\Clarifi\Modelstation\res\R\R-2.12.2\library\ T:\Clarifi\Node\res\R\R-2.8.0\library\ T:\Clarifi\Node\res\R\R-2.12.2\library\ U:\Clarifi\Modelstation\res\R\R-2.8.0\library\ U:\Clarifi\Modelstation\res\R\R-2.12.2\library\ ...
Now concatenate the three destinations libraries onto each of the destinations root directories:
libs=. 'tseries';'zoo';'quadprog' $dests,&.>/libs 3 2 2 3 NB. 3 drives by 2 sub-dirs by 2 versions by 3 libraries
Check that these look as expected:
>,dests,&.>/libs T:\Clarifi\Modelstation\res\R\R-2.8.0\library\tseries T:\Clarifi\Modelstation\res\R\R-2.8.0\library\zoo T:\Clarifi\Modelstation\res\R\R-2.8.0\library\quadprog T:\Clarifi\Modelstation\res\R\R-2.12.2\library\tseries T:\Clarifi\Modelstation\res\R\R-2.12.2\library\zoo ... V:\Clarifi\Node\res\R\R-2.8.0\library\quadprog V:\Clarifi\Node\res\R\R-2.12.2\library\tseries V:\Clarifi\Node\res\R\R-2.12.2\library\zoo V:\Clarifi\Node\res\R\R-2.12.2\library\quadprog
Line up multiple repetitions of the source libraries with the appropriate destination libraries:
srcs +------------------+--------------+-------------------+ |C:\Clarifi\tseries|C:\Clarifi\zoo|C:\Clarifi\quadprog| +------------------+--------------+-------------------+ $dests=. dests,&.>/libs 3 2 2 3 $,/dests 6 2 3
Collapse along the leading dimensions to get a shape to which we can sensibly map the three libraries.
$,/,/dests 12 3 >0{,/,/dests T:\Clarifi\Modelstation\res\R\R-2.8.0\library\tseries T:\Clarifi\Modelstation\res\R\R-2.8.0\library\zoo T:\Clarifi\Modelstation\res\R\R-2.8.0\library\quadprog $12#(<'xcopy '),&.>srcs,&.>' ' 36
Check a couple of attempts to align sources and destinations properly before we commit to creating the final set of commands.
>5{.(12#(<'xcopy '),&.>srcs,&.>' '),&.>,dests xcopy C:\Clarifi\tseries T:\Clarifi\Modelstation\res\R\R-2.8.0\library\tseries xcopy C:\Clarifi\tseries T:\Clarifi\Modelstation\res\R\R-2.8.0\library\zoo xcopy C:\Clarifi\tseries T:\Clarifi\Modelstation\res\R\R-2.8.0\library\quadprog xcopy C:\Clarifi\tseries T:\Clarifi\Modelstation\res\R\R-2.12.2\library\tseries xcopy C:\Clarifi\tseries T:\Clarifi\Modelstation\res\R\R-2.12.2\library\zoo
This is not correct – think more carefully about how we align three items to three columns.
>5{.(,12 3$(<'xcopy '),&.>srcs,&.>' '),&.>,dests xcopy C:\Clarifi\tseries T:\Clarifi\Modelstation\res\R\R-2.8.0\library\tseries xcopy C:\Clarifi\zoo T:\Clarifi\Modelstation\res\R\R-2.8.0\library\zoo xcopy C:\Clarifi\quadprog T:\Clarifi\Modelstation\res\R\R-2.8.0\library\quadprog xcopy C:\Clarifi\tseries T:\Clarifi\Modelstation\res\R\R-2.12.2\library\tseries xcopy C:\Clarifi\zoo T:\Clarifi\Modelstation\res\R\R-2.12.2\library\zoo $ cmds=. (,12 3$(<'xcopy '),&.>srcs,&.>' '),&.>,dests 36 >_2{.cmds=. cmds,&.><' /S /C /H /I /R /Q /Y' xcopy C:\Clarifi\quadprog V:\Clarifi\Node\res\R\R-2.8.0\library\quadprog /S /C /H /I /R /Q /Y xcopy C:\Clarifi\tseries V:\Clarifi\Node\res\R\R-2.12.2\library\tseries /S /C /H /I /R /Q /Y 6!:2 'rr=. shell&.>cmds' 253.621
Advanced topics
Learning, teaching and promoting J
- File:Poor Mans Diff - Practical MultiD arrays.pdf
- File:Animated-bezierJS.pdf
- File:Jprogramming-Functional Extensions.pdf
- File:Qt Implementation of wd.pdf
- File:Nouns before verbs.pdf
- File:Chapter 1 of the Stokes book on learning J.pdf
- File:All evidence points to OOP being bullshit.pdf
-- Devon McCormick <<DateTime(2013-10-16T03:06:13-0200)>>