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8C. Representations
d0=: >:@<.@^. Length to represent y in base x d1=: d0 # [ Base to represent integer y in base x d2=: d1 #:] Base x rep of decimal integer y m3=: #:@i.@>: Binary reps of integers from 0 to y m4=: 10"_ d2 ] Base 10 rep of decimal integer y m5=: 16"_ d2 ] Base 16 rep of decimal integer y d6=: (>:@<.@^. # [) #: ] Base x rep of decimal integer y d7=: ] #:~ >:@<.@^. # [ Base x rep of decimal integer y m8=: 100"_ d2 ] Base 100 rep of decimal integer y m9=: 0 1&#: Whole and fractional parts of y m10=: 10 100 1000"_ #: ] Mixed base 10 ^ 1 2 3 rep of y m11=: #. Integer from Boolean list y m12=: <.@(10&^.)@(('.'&~: # ]) &.": % ]) Number of decimal places in y m14=: ]&__ Negative infinity m15=: _: Positive infinity a16=: (&#.) (^:_1) Base x rep of decimal integer y m17=: [: (%"1 [: ,:~ +./) ,:&1 Fraction equivalent to y