Guides/Windows Programming

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J Windows Programming Examples
See also: Guides/Window_Driver

Keith Smillie, December 1998 (original for J4.01)
Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta

Oleg Kobchenko, December 2007 (adapted for J6.01)


Example 0 - Standard form

Jwinex00.png [{{#file: "jwinex00.ijs"}} Download script: jwinex00.ijs ]

WinEx0=: 0 : 0
pc winex0;
menupop "File";
menu new "&New" "" "" "";
menu open "&Open" "" "" "";
menusep ;
menu exit "&Exit" "" "" "";
xywh 100 8 34 14;cc nil button;cn "Nil";
xywh 100 27 34 14;cc cancel button;cn "Cancel";
pas 6 6;pcenter;
rem form end;

winex0_run=: 3 : 0
  wd WinEx0
  wd 'pshow;'

winex0_cancel_button=: 3 : 0
  wd 'pclose;'

winex0_nil_button=: 3 : 0
  wdinfo 'Nil pressed'

winex0_run ''

Example 1 - One roll of a die

Jwinex01.png [{{#file: "jwinex01.ijs"}} Download script: jwinex01.ijs ]

WinEx1=: 0 : 0
pc winex1;
xywh 100 8 34 14;cc nil button;cn "Nil";
xywh 100 28 34 14;cc cancel button;cn "Cancel";
xywh 25 8 34 14;cc roll button;cn "Roll";
xywh 20 27 34 14;cc face static;cn "";
pas 6 6;pcenter;
rem form end;

winex1_run=: 3 : 0
  wd WinEx1
  wd 'pshow;'

winex1_cancel_button=: 3 : 0
  wd 'pclose;'

winex1_nil_button=: 3 : 0
  wd 'psel winex1;'

winex1_roll_button=: 3 : 0
  wd 'set face *',12.0&":>:?6

winex1_run ''

Example 2 - One roll of a die

Jwinex02.png [{{#file: "jwinex02.ijs"}} Download script: jwinex02.ijs ]

WinEx2=: 0 : 0
pc winex2;
xywh 75 6 34 16;cc cancel button;cn "Cancel";
xywh 22 6 34 14;cc roll button;cn "Roll";
xywh 22 25 34 14;cc face edit;
pas 6 6;pcenter;
rem form end;

winex2_run=: 3 : 0
  wd WinEx2
  wd 'setfont face "Arial" 14 bold;'
  wd 'pshow;'

winex2_cancel_button=: 3 : 0
  wd 'pclose;'

winex2_roll_button=: 3 : 0
  wd 'set face *',5.0&":>:?6

winex2_run ''

Example 3 - One roll of a regular polyhedron

Jwinex03.png [{{#file: "jwinex03.ijs"}} Download script: jwinex03.ijs ]

WinEx3=: 0 : 0
pc winex3;
xywh 85 68 34 16;cc cancel button;cn "Cancel";
xywh 85 22 34 16;cc roll button;cn "Roll";
xywh 85 47 34 12;cc face static ss_center ws_border;cn "";
xywh 15 10 45 90;cc frame groupbox;cn "Faces ";
xywh 25 20 30 14;cc rb0 radiobutton;cn "   4";
xywh 25 35 30 14;cc rb1 radiobutton group;cn "   6";
xywh 25 50 30 14;cc rb2 radiobutton group;cn "   8";
xywh 25 65 30 14;cc rb3 radiobutton group;cn "  12";
xywh 25 80 30 14;cc rb4 radiobutton group;cn "  20";
pas 6 6;pcenter;
rem form end;

winex3_run=: 3 : 0
  wd WinEx3
  wd 'setfont face "Arial" 14 bold;'
  wd 'pshow;'

winex3_cancel_button=: 3 : 0
  wd 'pclose;'

winex3_roll_button=: 3 : 0
  wd 'set face *',":>:?('1' = rb0,rb1,rb2,rb3,rb4) # 4 6 8 12 20

winex3_run ''

Example 4 - Die frequency distribution

Jwinex04.png [{{#file: "jwinex04.ijs"}} Download script: jwinex04.ijs ]

each=: &.>

rfr=: +/"1 @ (=/)
rfrtab=: [ ,. rfr
die=: >: @ ? @ $&6
dietab=: ([: >: [: i. 6:) rfrtab die@]

WDtable=: 3 : 0
  ;(<"1 (x ": y)), each LF

WinEx4=: 0 : 0
pc winex4;
xywh 136 12 34 14;cc roll button;cn "Roll";
xywh 136 31 34 14;cc cancel button;cn "Cancel";
xywh 66 9 47 70;cc frame groupbox;cn " Rolls ";
xywh 75 24 30 12;cc rb0 radiobutton;cn "  50";
xywh 75 39 30 12;cc rb1 radiobutton group;cn " 100";
xywh 75 54 30 12;cc rb2 radiobutton group;cn " 200";
xywh 15 13 35 70;cc frtable listbox;
pas 6 6;pcenter;
rem form end;

winex4_run=: 3 : 0
  wd WinEx4
  wd 'setfont frtable "Arial" 12 bold;'
  wd 'pshow;'

winex4_cancel_button=: 3 : 0
  wd 'pclose;'

winex4_roll_button=: 3 : 0
  r=. ('1'= rb0,rb1,rb2) # 50 100 200
  wd 'set frtable *',4j0 WDtable dietab r

winex4_run ''

Example 5 - Frequency distribution of 1, 2 or 3 dice

Jwinex05.png [{{#file: "jwinex05.ijs"}} Download script: jwinex05.ijs ]

each=: &.>
rfr=: +/"1 @ (=/)
rfrtab=: [ ,. rfr
dicefr=: [: +/ [: >: [: ? , $ 6:
dicerng=: ] }. [: i. [: >: 6: * ]
dicetab=: dicerng@[ rfrtab dicefr

WDtable=: 3 : 0    NB. Display table
  ;(<"1 (x ": y)), each LF

WinEx5=: 0 : 0
pc winex5;
xywh 136 12 34 14;cc roll button;cn "Roll";
xywh 136 31 34 14;cc cancel button;cn "Cancel";
xywh 76 9 45 70;cc frame0 groupbox;cn " Rolls ";
xywh 85 18 35 12;cc rb0 radiobutton;cn "  50";
xywh 85 33 35 12;cc rb1 radiobutton group;cn " 100";
xywh 85 48 35 12;cc rb2 radiobutton group;cn " 200";
xywh 85 63 35 12;cc rb3 radiobutton group;cn " 500";
xywh 76 85 45 56;cc frame1 groupbox;cn " Dice ";
xywh 85 94 35 12;cc rb4 radiobutton;cn " 1";
xywh 85 109 35 12;cc rb5 radiobutton group;cn " 2";
xywh 85 124 35 12;cc rb6 radiobutton group;cn " 3";
xywh 10 30 56 70;cc frtable editm ws_border ws_vscroll;
pas 6 6;pcenter;
rem form end;

winex5_run=: 3 : 0
  wd WinEx5
  wd 'setfont frtable "Arial" 14 bold;'
  wd 'pshow;'

winex5_cancel_button=: 3 : 0
  wd 'pclose;'

winex5_roll_button=: 3 : 0
  r=. ('1' = rb0,rb1,rb2,rb3) # 50 100 200 500
  n=. ('1' = rb4,rb5,rb6) # 1 2 3
  wd 'set frtable *',4j0 WDtable n dicetab r

winex5_run ''

Example 6 - Simple calculator

Jwinex06.png [{{#file: "jwinex06.ijs"}} Download script: jwinex06.ijs ]

WinEx6=: 0 : 0
pc winex6;
xywh 13 10 95 16;cc display static ss_center ws_border;cn "";
xywh 13 35 15 15;cc d7 button;cn "7";
xywh 33 35 15 15;cc d8 button;cn "8";
xywh 53 35 15 15;cc d9 button;cn "9";
xywh 73 35 15 15;cc mpy button;cn "*";
xywh 93 35 15 15;cc off button;cn "Off";
xywh 13 55 15 15;cc d4 button;cn "4";
xywh 33 55 15 15;cc d5 button;cn "5";
xywh 53 55 15 15;cc d6 button;cn "6";
xywh 73 55 15 15;cc div button;cn "/";
xywh 93 55 15 14;cc ce button;cn "CE";
xywh 13 75 15 14;cc d1 button;cn "1";
xywh 33 75 15 14;cc d2 button;cn "2";
xywh 53 75 15 14;cc d3 button;cn "3";
xywh 73 75 15 14;cc sub button;cn "-";
xywh 93 75 15 14;cc c button;cn "C";
xywh 13 94 15 14;cc d0 button;cn "0";
xywh 33 94 15 14;cc dec button;cn ".";
xywh 53 94 15 14;cc sign button;cn "+/-";
xywh 73 94 15 14;cc add button;cn "+";
xywh 93 94 15 14;cc is button;cn "=";
pas 6 6;pcenter;
rem form end;

winex6_run=: 3 : 0
  wd WinEx6
  wd 'setfont display "Arial" 18 bold;'
  ('X';'Y';'D';'op')=: '';'';'';''
  wd 'pshow;'

winex6_d7_button=: 3 : 0
  wd 'set display *', D=: D,'7'

winex6_d8_button=: 3 : 0
  wd 'set display *', D=: D,'8'

winex6_d9_button=: 3 : 0
  wd 'set display *', D=: D,'9'

winex6_mpy_button=: 3 : 0
  op=: '*'
  X=: D
  D=: ''

winex6_off_button=: 3 : 0
  wd 'pclose;'

winex6_d4_button=: 3 : 0
  wd 'set display *', D=: D,'4'

winex6_d5_button=: 3 : 0
  wd 'set display *', D=: D,'5'

winex6_d6_button=: 3 : 0
  wd 'set display *', D=: D,'6'

winex6_div_button=: 3 : 0
  op=: '%'
  X=: D
  D=: ''

winex6_ce_button=: 3 : 0
  wd 'set display *',D=: ''

winex6_d1_button=: 3 : 0
  wd 'set display *', D=: D,'1'

winex6_d2_button=: 3 : 0
  wd 'set display *', D=: D,'2'

winex6_d3_button=: 3 : 0
  wd 'set display *', D=: D,'3'

winex6_sub_button=: 3 : 0
  op=: '-'
  X=: D
  D=: ''

winex6_c_button=: 3 : 0
  ('X';'Y';'D';'op')=: '';'';'';''
  wd 'set display *', ''

winex6_d0_button=: 3 : 0
  wd 'set display *', D=: D,'0'

winex6_dec_button=: 3 : 0
  wd 'set display *', D=: D,'.'

winex6_sign_button=: 3 : 0
  if. '_' = {. D do. D=: }. D
  else. D=: '_', D end.
  wd 'set display *', D

winex6_add_button=: 3 : 0
  op=: '+'
  X=: D
  D=: ''

winex6_is_button=: 3 : 0
  Y=: D
  D=: ": do X,op,Y
  wd 'set display *', D

winex6_run ''

Example 7 - Coupon collector's problem

Jwinex07.png [{{#file: "jwinex07.ijs"}} Download script: jwinex07.ijs ]

each=: &.>
am=: +/ % #
pos=: >: @ i.

fr=: +/"1 @ (=/)
frtab=: [,.fr
nubfr=: +/"1 @ =
nubtab=: ~. ,. nubfr

cc=: * +/ @: % @: pos
rnd=: <.@(0.5&+)
sort=: /:~

ccsim=: 3 : 0
  n=. y
  r=. i. 0
  while. n > # ~. r do.
    r=. r, ?n

ccs=: (#@ccsim)"0 @ #

WDtable=: 3 : 0    NB. Display table
  ;(<"1 (x ": y)), each LF

WinEx7=: 0 : 0
pc winex7;
xywh 5 8 75 52;cc input groupbox;cn " Input ";
xywh 10 20 20 10;cc coupons edit;
xywh 35 20 30 10;cc cname static;cn "Coupons";
xywh 10 40 20 10;cc reps edit;
xywh 35 40 40 10;cc rname static;cn "Repetitions";
xywh 5 70 75 90;cc output groupbox;cn " Output ";
xywh 10 82 30 10;cc exp edit;
xywh 45 82 25 10;cc expname static;cn "Exp. mean";
xywh 10 102 30 10;cc obs edit;
xywh 45 102 30 10;cc obsname static;cn "Obs. mean";
xywh 10 122 30 10;cc min edit;
xywh 45 122 25 10;cc minname static;cn "Minumum";
xywh 10 142 30 10;cc max edit;
xywh 45 142 25 10;cc maxname static;cn "Maximum";
xywh 102 10 50 75;cc frtable editm ws_border ws_vscroll;
xywh 90 90 75 28;cc frame groupbox;cn "Frequencies";
xywh 100 98 30 14;cc rb0 radiobutton;cn "Range";
xywh 133 98 30 14;cc rb1 radiobutton group;cn "Nub";
xywh 110 125 34 14;cc ok button;cn "OK";
xywh 110 145 34 14;cc cancel button;cn "Cancel";
pas 6 6;pcenter;
rem form end;

winex7_run=: 3 : 0
  wd WinEx7
  wd 'set coupons *', '   0 '
  wd 'set reps *', '   0 '
  wd 'setfont frtable "Arial" 14 bold;'
  wd 'pshow;'

winex7_ok_button=: 3 : 0
  Simulation rb1= '1'

Simulation=: 3 : 0
  ('N R')=. ". coupons,' ', reps
  wd 'set exp *',''
  wd 'set obs *',''
  wd 'set min *',''
  wd 'set max *',''
  wd 'set exp *', 6j1&":cc N
  wd 'set frtable *',''
  if. R > 0 do.
    S=. R ccs N
    wd 'set obs *',6j1&":am S
    wd 'set min *',6j0&":<./S
    wd 'set max *',6j0&":>./S
    if. y do.
      CCtable=: nubtab sort S
      range=: 0, pos >./S
      CCtable=: range frtab S
    wd 'set frtable *',4.0 WDtable CCtable

winex7_cancel_button=: 3 : 0
  wd 'pclose;'

winex7_run ''

Example 8 - Rolling 1, 2 or 3 dice with 4 or 6 faces

Jwinex08.png [{{#file: "jwinex08.ijs"}} Download script: jwinex08.ijs ]

each=: &.>
EACH=: &>
pos=: >: @ i.
fr=: +/"1 @ (=/)
frtab=: [,.fr

WDtable=: 3 : 0    NB. Display table
  ;(<"1 (x ": y)), each LF

WinEx8=: 0 : 0
pc winex8;
xywh 68 96 34 12;cc ok button;cn "OK";
xywh 68 116 34 12;cc cancel button;cn "Cancel";
xywh 10 9 40 38;cc frame0 groupbox;cn " Faces ";
xywh 20 19 20 12;cc rb0 radiobutton;cn "  4";
xywh 20 33 20 12;cc rb1 radiobutton group;cn "  6";
xywh 10 54 40 53;cc frame1 groupbox;cn " Dice ";
xywh 20 64 20 12;cc rb2 radiobutton;cn "  1";
xywh 20 78 20 12;cc rb3 radiobutton group;cn "  2";
xywh 20 92 20 12;cc rb4 radiobutton group;cn "  3";
xywh 17 120 25 10;cc rolls edit;
xywh 5 135 56 12;cc rollsname static;cn "Rolls (1 to 200)";
xywh 60 10 50 75;cc frtable listbox ws_border ws_vscroll;
pas 6 6;pcenter;
rem form end;

winex8_run=: 3 : 0
  wd WinEx8
  wd 'set rolls *','  0 '
  wd 'setfont rolls "Arial" 11 bold;'
  wd 'setfont frtable "Arial" 11 bold;'
  NB. DICEtab=:i. 0 2
  wd 'pshow;'

winex8_ok_button=: 3 : 0
  R=: ". rolls
  R=. R * R e. pos 200
  NB. wd 'set frtable *',''
  if. R > 0 do.
    F=. ('1' = rb0,rb1) # 4 6
    D=. ('1' = rb2,rb3,rb4) # 1 2 3
    Range=. (D-1) }. pos F*D
    Sums=. +/ EACH >: each ? each R$<D$F
    DICEtab=: Range frtab Sums
    wd 'set frtable *',6.0 WDtable DICEtab

winex8_cancel_button=: 3 : 0
  wd 'pclose;'

winex8_run ''

Example 9 - One-armed bandit simulation

Jwinex09.png [{{#file: "jwinex09.ijs"}} Download script: jwinex09.ijs ]

EACH=: &>
WinAmt=: 62 18 18 14 14 10 10 5 5 3 3 3 0

WINEX9=: 0 : 0
pc winex9;
xywh 105 25 15 15;cc symbol1 edit ws_border;
xywh 121 25 15 15;cc symbol2 edit ws_border;
xywh 137 25 15 15;cc symbol3 edit ws_border;
xywh 5 10 85 90;cc output groupbox;cn " Summary ";
xywh 10 22 30 10;cc pay edit;
xywh 45 22 42 10;cc payname static;cn "Payoff";
xywh 10 42 30 10;cc totpay edit;
xywh 45 42 42 10;cc totpayname static;cn "Total Payoff";
xywh 10 62 30 10;cc totcost edit;
xywh 45 62 42 10;cc totcostname static;cn "Total Cost";
xywh 10 82 30 10;cc netpay edit;
xywh 45 82 42 10;cc netpayname static;cn "Net Payoff";
xywh 96 48 24 30;cc ok button;cn "OK";
xywh 125 48 34 12;cc reset button;cn "Reset";
xywh 125 66 34 12;cc cancel button;cn "Cancel";
pas 6 6;pcenter;
rem form end;

Reset=: 3 : 0
  Pay=: 0
  TotPay=: 0
  TotCost=: 0
  NetPay=: 0
  wd 'set pay *',6j0&":Pay
  wd 'set totpay *',6j0&":TotPay
  wd 'set totcost *',6j0&":TotCost
  wd 'set netpay *',6j0&":NetPay
  wd 'set symbol1 *',' '
  wd 'set symbol2 *',' '
  wd 'set symbol3 *',' '

winex9_run=: 3 : 0
  wd WINEX9
  Reset ''
  wd 'setfont symbol1 "Arial" 16 bold;'
  wd 'setfont symbol2 "Arial" 16 bold;'
  wd 'setfont symbol3 "Arial" 16 bold;'
  wd 'pshow;'

winex9_close=: 3 : 0

winex9_reset_button=: 3 : 0
  Reset ''

winex9_cancel_button=: 3 : 0

winex9_ok_button=: 3 : 0
  'S1 S2 S3'=: S=: (? 3$20) { EACH DIALS
  wd 'set symbol1 *',S1
  wd 'set symbol2 *',S2
  wd 'set symbol3 *',S3
  Pay=: ((>WINCOMB) i. S) { WinAmt
  TotPay=: TotPay + Pay
  TotCost=: >:TotCost
  NetPay=: TotPay - TotCost
  wd 'set pay *',6j0&":Pay
  wd 'set totpay *',6j0&":TotPay
  wd 'set totcost *',6j0&":TotCost
  wd 'set netpay *',6j0&":NetPay

winex9_run ''

Example 10 - Word search

Jwinex10.png [{{#file: "jwinex10.ijs"}} Download script: jwinex10.ijs ]

each=: &.>
EACHLEFT=: 1 : 0
  ] x"1 >@[

Queries=: (*./@(' '&~:) *. +./@('?'&=))@,:
Letters=: =/@,:
Match=: [: *./ Queries +. Letters
Select=: [ #~ [ Match EACHLEFT ]

WinEx10=: 0 : 0
pc winex10;
xywh 15 92 34 12;cc search button;cn "Search";
xywh 15 111 34 12;cc cancel button;cn "Cancel";
xywh 74 92 34 12;cc clear button;cn "Clear";
xywh 10 9 45 53;cc frame1 groupbox;cn " Dictionary ";
xywh 18 18 30 12;cc rb0 radiobutton;cn "  One";
xywh 18 32 30 12;cc rb1 radiobutton group;cn "  Two";
xywh 18 46 30 12;cc rb2 radiobutton group;cn "  Three";
xywh 12 70 40 12;cc word edit;
xywh 65 10 50 75;cc wordtable listbox ws_border ws_vscroll;
pas 6 6;pcenter;
rem form end;

winex10_run=: 3 : 0
  wd WinEx10
  wd 'setfont word "Arial" 11 bold;'
  wd 'setfont wordtable "Arial" 11 bold;'
  wd 'set word *',''
  wd 'set wordtable ',WORDLIST
  wd 'pshow;'

winex10_search_button=: 3 : 0
  DICTIONARY=: ".'DICT',('1' = rb0,rb1,rb2) # '123'
  wd 'set wordtable ',,>WORDLIST,each ' '

winex10_clear_button=: 3 : 0
  wd 'set wordtable ',''

winex10_cancel_button=: 3 : 0
  wd 'pclose;'

DICT1=: ;:'cat horse crop salad elephant coffee trap book mouse'
DICT2=: ;:'table pen pin cut pan picture orange pun fish'
DICT3=: ''

winex10_run ''

Example 11 - Simplified word search

Jwinex11.png [{{#file: "jwinex11.ijs"}} Download script: jwinex11.ijs ]

each=: &.>
EACHLEFT=: 1 : 0
  ] x"1 >@[

Queries=: (*./@(' '&~:) *. +./@('?'&=))@,:
Letters=: =/@,:
Match=: [: *./ Queries +. Letters
Select=: [ #~ [ Match EACHLEFT ]

WinEx11=: 0 : 0
pc winex11;
xywh 82 14 34 12;cc search button;cn "Search";
xywh 82 30 34 12;cc reset button;cn "Reset";
xywh 82 46 34 12;cc cancel button;cn "Cancel";
xywh 11 8 50 11;cc input edit;
xywh 11 25 50 50;cc wordtable listbox ws_border ws_vscroll;
pas 6 6;pcenter;
rem form end;

winex11_run=: 3 : 0
  wd WinEx11
  wd 'setfont input "Arial" 11 bold;'
  wd 'setfont wordtable "Arial" 11 bold;'
  wd 'set input *','?'
  wd 'set wordtable ',''
  wd 'pshow;'

winex11_search_button=: 3 : 0
  wd 'set wordtable ',,>(DICTIONARY Select input),each ' '

winex11_reset_button=: 3 : 0
  wd 'set input *','?'
  wd 'set wordtable ',''

winex11_cancel_button=: 3 : 0
  wd 'pclose;'

W1=: ;:'cat horse crop salad elephant coffee trap book mouse'
W2=: ;:'table pen pin cut pan fork picture orange pun fish cake'
W3=: ;:'dart ream gale adds pica coda gace'

winex11_run ''

Example 12 - Stone, scissors, paper

Jwinex12.png [{{#file: "jwinex12.ijs"}} Download script: jwinex12.ijs ]

WINEX12=: 0 : 0
pc winex12;
xywh 115 10 34 12;cc reset button;cn "Reset";
xywh 115 25 34 12;cc cancel button;cn "Cancel";
xywh 10 12 34 12;cc stone button;cn "Stone";
xywh 10 27 34 12;cc scissors button;cn "Scissors";
xywh 10 42 34 12;cc paper button;cn "Paper";
xywh 10 60 34 12;cc computer edit;
xywh 15 75 34 10;cc COMPUTER static;cn "Computer";
xywh 55 5 50 70;cc output groupbox;cn "Summary";
xywh 60 15 20 10;cc win edit;
xywh 85 16 15 10;cc WIN static;cn "Win";
xywh 60 30 20 10;cc lose edit;
xywh 85 31 15 10;cc LOSE static;cn "Lose";
xywh 60 45 20 10;cc draw edit;
xywh 85 46 15 10;cc DRAW static;cn "Draw";
xywh 60 60 20 10;cc total edit;
xywh 85 61 15 10;cc TOTAL static;cn "Total";
xywh 115 42 34 34;cc jicon button bs_ownerdraw;cn "system\examples\data\jb.ico";
pas 6 6;pcenter;
rem form end;

Reset12=: 3 : 0
  Win=: 0
  Lose=: 0
  Draw=: 0
  wd 'set win *', 4.0&":Win
  wd 'set lose *', 4.0&":Lose
  wd 'set draw *', 4.0&":Draw
  wd 'set total *',4.0&":Win+Lose+Draw
  wd 'set computer *',''

Update12=: 3 : 0
  R=. ?3
  N=. 3&#.y,R
  wd 'set computer *',>R{ '  Stone';'  Scissors';'  Paper'
    N e. 1 5 6 do. Win=: >:Win
    N e. 2 3 7 do. Lose=: >:Lose
    N e. 0 4 8 do. Draw=: >:Draw
  wd 'set win *', 4.0&":Win
  wd 'set lose *', 4.0&":Lose
  wd 'set draw *', 4.0&":Draw
  wd 'set total *', 4.0&":Win+Lose+Draw

winex12_run=: 3 : 0
  wd WINEX12
  Reset12 ''
  wd 'pshow;'

winex12_close=: 3 : 0

winex12_stone_button=: 3 : 0
  Update12 0

winex12_scissors_button=: 3 : 0
  Update12 1

winex12_paper_button=: 3 : 0
  Update12 2
winex12_reset_button=: 3 : 0
  Reset12 ''

winex12_cancel_button=: 3 : 0

NB. xywh 328 75 34 34;cc jicon button bs_ownerdraw;cn "examples\data\jb.ico";

winex12_run ''