Guides/Qt IDE/Desktop Shortcut
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If you've installed J for Linux from the zip files, you'll have the binaries in place somewhere (I installed them under ~/Application/j901 but J Qt won't be picked up by your window manager.
Here's what you can do, if you have an (invisible) directory called ~/.local/share/applications. Create a file called jqt.desktop in this directory using a text editor and paste the following:
[Desktop Entry] Version=9.0.1 Name=J Qt GenericName=J Comment=J is an array programming language Exec=/home/alex/Applications/j901/bin/jqt Icon=/home/alex/Applications/j901/bin/icons/jgreen.png Type=Application Terminal=false Categories=Development;IDE;KDE;QT StartupWMClass=J Keywords=Programming
Change Version, Exec and Icon as befits your installation.