Guides/DLLs/Calling the J DLL

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Calling DLLs | Error Messages | Memory Management | Calling the J DLL

Here, the term DLL is used for any J shared library, i.e. j.dll (Windows), (Linux) and libj.dylib (OSX).

The J DLL can be called by any program that can call DLLs.

Since j.dll is itself used by the J session, you may need to make a copy of it first before calling it from J, for example, copy it to file jj.dll.

Script ~addons/general/misc/jdll.ijs has examples of calling the J DLL from J.


In the following examples libj is assumed defined as the J DLL.

Initialize the DLL, returning a pointer to J:

   p=. (libj,' JInit x') cd ''

Procedure JDo executes a sentence. For example, the following writes text abc to file t1.txt:

   cmd=. '''abc'' 1!:2 <''t1.txt'''           NB. example sentence
   (libj,' JDo i x *c') cd p,<cmd             NB. send to J DLL 
│0│53024912│'abc' 1!:2 <'t1.txt'│
   fread 't1.txt'                             NB. check file was written

Procedure JGetM retrieves a J variable. The cd right argument is a name, followed by 4 pointers, which will correspond to the result datatype, rank, pointer to shape, and pointer to values. For example:

   (libj,' JDo i x *c') cd p,<'AA=: o.i.2 3 5'          NB. define AA
│0│53024912│AA=: o.i.2 3 5│

   (libj,' JGetM i x *c *x *x *x *x') cd p,'AA';4#<,0   NB. read AA

The seven items in the result are: error code (0=success), j pointer, name, datatype (4=integer), rank(1), pointer to shape, and pointer to values.

The pointers refer to memory addresses within the J DLL. You should reference their values before calling the J DLL again, as further calls may invalidate the memory addresses. Use function memr to read the memory. For example, the shape is:

   memr 71648552 0 3 4     
2 3 5

Once the result datatype and shape are known, you can read the values, again using memr, and convert to a J variable.

Script ~addons/general/misc/jdll.ijs defines functions that perform the necessary conversions. For example:

   jdo 'ABC=: i.3 4'
│0│21939088│ABC=: i.3 4│
   jget 'ABC'
0 1  2  3
4 5  6  7
8 9 10 11
   jcmd 'q: 123456'
2 2 2 2 2 2 3 643