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When the J development system is loaded, its configuration is read from script:

jpath '~config/config.ijs

The configuration can be changed in the Edit|Configure dialog. It is a normal script and can also be modified directly.

The script has the following definitions:

Name Configure Dialog Description
BOXFORM Display boxdraw characters, 0=linedraw, 1=ascii
BOXPOS Display boxed output positioning, argument to 9!:17
DISPLAYFORM Display output display form, argument to 9!:3
FIXFONTW Display fixed font, suffix W=Windows, J=Java
SMCOLOR Color color scheme definitions
SMCOLORID Color color scheme name
FKEYS Fkeys function key definitions
USERFOLDERS Folders user folders: name, path, if subfolder
FORMAT Format Script validation/formatting options
FORMSIZES Forms form sizes
PROFONTW Forms proportional font, suffix W=Windows, J=Java
MEMORYLIM Parameters memory limit, argument to 9!:21
PRINTPREC Parameters print precision, argument to 9!:11
XNAMES Parameters flag if explicit argument names x. y. etc. are permitted, argument to 9!:49
OUTPUT Parameters session manager output, argument to 9!:37
PRINTERFONT Print printer font
P2UPFONT Print 2-up print font
PRINTOPT Print print options
SMPRINT Print session manager print function
DIRTREEX Session exclusion list for dirtree, etc.
READONLY Session open file readonly state
SKEYS Shortcuts menu shortcut key definitions
NEWUSER Startup if Welcome to J dialog is shown at outset
SMINIT Startup initial session position
SMSIZE Startup new window size
SMSTYLE Startup window title style
STARTUP Startup user's start up script
BROWSER External Programs browser, used in Help
EPSREADER External Programs reader for encapsulated postscript files
PDFREADER External Programs reader for Adoble pdf files
XDIFF External Programs external differencing program

Additional PPC configuration

Name Description
SHOWSIP if show soft keyboard on PPC