The Bottom Buttons of TABULA
This page is OBSOLETE. TABULA no longer has "bottom buttons"
The bottom buttons of TABULA are intended to be user-customisable. Edit the script: ~user/tabula/bn.ijs.
Spare ones are shown by their labels showing the button number in the form definition, preceded by '='. E.g. "=54", "=55", ...
Currently the bottom buttons are set up as follows:
- "inc" "dec"
increment/decrement the value of the item selected by 1. If param contains a number, that number is used as the increment/decrement instead of 1.
- "%inc" "%dec"
increment/decrement the value of the item selected by 1%. If param contains a number, that number is used as the percentage increment/decrement instead of 1%.
- "zero" "one" "-one"
sets the value of the selected item to zero / one / minus-one respectively. Used mostly to force retrofitting to take place.
- "+" "-" "-~"
create a new item being the sum / difference of the selected items. "-~" reverses the order of the selected items.
- "*" "/" "/~"
create a new item being the product / quotient of the selected items. "/~" reverses the order of the selected items.
- "="
creates a new item equal to the selected item. The main use of this is to display the same quantity in different units.
- "quit"
terminates TABULA and also exits J. Does not exit if the current ttable has unsaved changes, but gives a warning message instead.
- "refr"
refreshes the display of the ttable. Use this to bring back the display after "?", "UUC", "UUF" or "units..." if the action is to be aborted.
- "neg"
negates the value of the selected item.
- "dup"
duplicates the selected item.
- "orph"
orphans the selected item, viz. removes its dependencies on other items, turning it into a non-formula item.
- "unit"
converts the units of the selected item to whatever has been entered as the new units in param, provided the new units are compatible. Otherwise delivers an error message.
- "f(x)"
takes the name of the function typed into param and creates a new item equal to the selected item to which a given function has been applied. Suitable functions are: sqr cube sqrt sin cos tan asin acos atan arcsin arccos arctan.
- "*2" "*pi" "*2pi" "*pi/2" "/2" "/2pi"
create a new item being the product/quotient of the selected items with the constant as shown.
- "titl"
takes the contents of param and makes this into the title of the form.
- "info"
displays an information note attached to the ttable and saves with it. The display is able to update the contents of the note.
- "?"
shows a list of cal-engine command strings. This is for development use, since in operation cal would be called exclusively by user interaction with the main form controls.
- "edtt"
shows a J window (.ijs) containing the definition of the currently loaded ttable. This is for development use, since in operation the end-user would have no cause to go editing scripts or ttable definitions directly.
- "etop" "euu" "etab" "ecal" "ebn" "uuc" "uuf"
edits the TABULA scripts in a J window (.ijs). This is for development use, since in operation the end-user would have no cause to go editing scripts directly.
- "1 m" "1 kg" "1 s"
creates new item(s) with the stated value and units.
- "1 c"
creates new item of 1 lightspeed-unit. By changing value and units this can be turned into any velocity item.
- "resta"
restart TABULA (e/g/ after editing a script such as bn, uuc or uuf). (WARNING: existing ttable will be lost if not saved).