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stats/base/combinatorial  - Sample design

comb v combinations of size x from i.y
combrep v combinations of size x from i.y with repetition
combrev v comb in revolving door order
perm v permutations of size y from i.y
permrep v permutations of size x from i.y with repetition
steps v steps from a to b in c steps


comb (v) combinations of size x from i.y


combrep (v) combinations of size x from i.y with repetition


combrev (v) comb in revolving door order

combinations in what Knuth calls "revolving door order"
such that any two adjacent combinations differ by a
single element (Gray codes for combinations).


perm (v) permutations of size x from i.y

monadic form gives all perms of size i.y (i@! A. i.)


permrep (v) permutations of size x from i.y with repetition


steps (v) steps from a to b in c steps

form: steps a,b,c